Cool gadgets and unusual items to get you in the festive mood!

Being as it's not even November yet you might think it's a bit early to start talking about Christmas present ideas, but once Halloween and Bonfire Night are out of the way, December the 25th will be rushing towards us faster than a rocket-powered reindeer. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to get anything good, so why not have a poke around Gadget Inspector's catalogue of cool gadgets now, and get the Christmas shopping done early?

We've got a great gift for everyone here at Gadget Inspector, so whether you're buying for your parents, your kids, or somebody in between, we're bound to have some cool gadgets that will make their Christmas morning. Little'uns are easy - what child wouldn't love playing with our Remote Control Inflatable R2D2 while they wait for their Christmas lunch? We've also got a heap of Christmas present ideas that will appeal to the slightly older child, including this fantastic Remote Control Quadrocopter which flies through the air and even does 360-degree flips in mid-air! Be warned, though - cool gadgets like this can lead to a serious battle for the controller, especially if Dad likes his remote control helicopters.

Speaking of Dad, we've got a range of cool gadgets and Christmas present ideas for slightly older family members, too - Dad can soothe his aching bones with our selection of marvellous massage gadgets, while mum can enjoy a cup of Christmas tea out of her brand new mug.

If you're short of Christmas present ideas, our website is packed with cool gadgets that will suit everyone's needs. We've got something for all the family, so get stuck in and remember, it's better to give than to receive! 

We've got loads of Batman accessories here at Gadget Inspector

If it's someone's birthday and you're out of present ideas, Gadget Inspector's got a Batcave full of brilliant Batman stuff that's sure to please comic book geeks and movie buffs alike. Us lot are big fans of Batman in all his forms, whether he's beating up bad guys in comic panels or starring in his very own epic movie trilogy, so it should come as no surprise that we've loaded a good-sized portion of our website up with Batman stuff in honour of everyone's favourite Dark Knight!

Let's start at the top with our range of fantastic Batman costumes. Halloween is just around the corner, but even once the 31st of October is over and done with, a good costume can come in very handy for Christmas parties, birthdays, and all kinds of other fancy dress occasions.

But costumes are just the tip of the Batman stuff iceberg. We also have a bunch of Batman cufflinks which allow you to bring a bit of the Caped Crusader's signature look to your formal clothes. The iconioc Bat logo is instantly recognisable, so we've incorporated it into a bunch of our Batman stuff to make it look super striking.

Last but not least in our Batman stuff rundown is our collection of Batman wallets. The World's Greatest Detective is the perfect person to keep an eye on your cash - his menacing visage is sure to put off any pickpockets you might encounter!

So that's about it for our Batman stuff. If you need a gift for yourself or a nerdy friend, you'd do well to investigate our range of gifts and gadgets inspired by the Man of Steel! Or is that Superman...?

Remote control fun comes in all shapes and sizes, so don't worry if you're sick of RC cars and RC helicopters - there's plenty more fish in the sea.

Literally, in some cases. Air Swimmers are the remote control inflatable that, as the name suggests, look just like they're swimming through the air. They need a bit of helium to get them in the air, but once they're up you'll never want to bring them down again! Remote control fun takes on a whole new dimension when you can sneak up on people a big flying shark and surprise them.

But there's another remote control inflatable we love, and just because he can't fly doesn't mean he isn't a great big bag of remote control fun. Remote Control Inflatable R2D2 is great fun for kids and adults alike; you'll love making him spin round and round, and if you knock him down, he'll get straight back up again!

So as you can see, there's a lot of fun to  be had when you've got a remote control inflatable to play with. You'll find all of these awesome items in our Remote Control section, along with all kinds of other remote control fun. Take control today!

Our site is jam-packed with Superman accessories, gadgets and gifts

Need a gift for your nerdy friend? Superman stuff ahoy! We're a bunch of big old geeks here at Gadget Inspector - look at all the comic book paraphernalia on the site - and we couldn't resist stocking up on a bunch of cool Superman accessories for like-minded folk to enjoy. Our stack of Superman stuff is pretty vast, so if you love the Last Son of Krypton, you're in the right place!

First up, check out these brilliant Superman Wallets! They're perfect for keeping your cards and cash safe from evil, and whether you go for this colourful Comic Wallet or the more grown-up Leather Wallet, your Superman accessories are sure to be the envy of comic lovers everywhere. Elsewhere on planet Superman stuff, you'll find a selection of stylish Superman Cufflinks. These Superman accessories are perfect for keeping your officewear smart when you're being Clark Kent rather than Superman.

Still, if you really want to look like The Man of Metropolis, you'll want to zoom straight to the top of Mount Superman Stuff and grab a fantastic Superman Costume. Bold and brightly-coloured, they all look awesomely authentic and some of them even include fake foam muscles to cover up less-than-super physiques. Our Superman accessories really can do anything!

So jump in and see if we've got any Superman stuff for you. Gadget Inspector is the perfect place for any fan of the caped crusader! Wait...that's Batman.

Comic book wallets from Gadget Inspector

Comic book fans! Do you wish you had somewhere cool to keep your cash, cards and coinage? Then step right this way! Gadget Inspector's awesome comic book wallets are the perfect presents for anyone who's crazy about comics or smitten with superheroes!

Batman and Superman - two of the superest heroes of all time, we think you'll agree - are both here, and they both make great companions for your cash. Whether you go for this colourful Superman Comic Wallet or this stylish, iconic Batman Logo Wallet, our super wallets will take care of your money 24/7!

So if you want some super wallets with a difference, rest assured that Batman and Superman will look after your cash just as vigilantly as they look after their cities. Gadget Inspector's comic book wallets make great gifts, naturally, but they're just as great when you buy one for yourself!