Remote control fun comes in all shapes and sizes, so don't worry if you're sick of RC cars and RC helicopters - there's plenty more fish in the sea.
Literally, in some cases. Air Swimmers are the remote control inflatable that, as the name suggests, look just like they're swimming through the air. They need a bit of helium to get them in the air, but once they're up you'll never want to bring them down again! Remote control fun takes on a whole new dimension when you can sneak up on people a big flying shark and surprise them.
But there's another remote control inflatable we love, and just because he can't fly doesn't mean he isn't a great big bag of remote control fun. Remote Control Inflatable R2D2 is great fun for kids and adults alike; you'll love making him spin round and round, and if you knock him down, he'll get straight back up again!
So as you can see, there's a lot of fun to be had when you've got a remote control inflatable to play with. You'll find all of these awesome items in our Remote Control section, along with all kinds of other remote control fun. Take control today!