It's no fun having to spend summer in the office, but hopefully we can put a smile on your cooped-up face with these cool office gadgets. Swap your boring old computer mouse for a tasty-looking chocolate mouse, or maybe an awesome USB pixel mouse. Give your lazy co-workers a piece of your mind with our brilliant 'Fixed Penalty Notice' sticky notes, or brighten up your desk with this DIY Calculator!

You'll find all of these items (and plenty more besides) in our Gadgets & Gizmos section, so get yourself a gadget or two and let your inner geek loose in the office this summer. And if you're still sad that you can't go outside, remember that this is Britain - it's just going to pour with rain all summer anyway. The warmth of the office doesn't seem so bad now, eh? 

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Brilliant Batman Stuff

We've got loads of Batman accessories here at Gadget Inspector

If it's someone's birthday and you're out of present ideas, Gadget Inspector's got a Batcave full of brilliant Batman stuff that's sure to please comic book geeks and movie buffs alike. Us lot are big fans of Batman in all his forms, whether he's beating up bad guys in comic panels or starring in his very own epic movie trilogy, so it should come as no surprise that we've loaded a good-sized portion of our website up with Batman stuff in honour of everyone's favourite Dark Knight!

Let's start at the top with our range of fantastic Batman costumes. Halloween is just around the corner, but even once the 31st of October is over and done with, a good costume can come in very handy for Christmas parties, birthdays, and all kinds of other fancy dress occasions.

But costumes are just the tip of the Batman stuff iceberg. We also have a bunch of Batman cufflinks which allow you to bring a bit of the Caped Crusader's signature look to your formal clothes. The iconioc Bat logo is instantly recognisable, so we've incorporated it into a bunch of our Batman stuff to make it look super striking.

Last but not least in our Batman stuff rundown is our collection of Batman wallets. The World's Greatest Detective is the perfect person to keep an eye on your cash - his menacing visage is sure to put off any pickpockets you might encounter!

So that's about it for our Batman stuff. If you need a gift for yourself or a nerdy friend, you'd do well to investigate our range of gifts and gadgets inspired by the Man of Steel! Or is that Superman...?

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