Get competitive with a bit of beer pong!

If you want a way of turning a few quiet pints into all-out war, beer pong is the game for you. The premise is fairly simple: if the ball's in your cup, drink it all up! The aim is to throw the ball into your opponent's cups and force him to empty all of his before you've emptied all of yours.
Beer pong has become immensely popular at parties everywhere, and it's spawned a lot of variations, but no matter how you're playing it, you're always going to need the essentials - the table, the cups, the balls, and the beer. We're not licensed to sell you that last one, but we've got the other three in spades and they're blimmin' brilliant.
Better yet, our beer pong table glows in the dark, meaning that you can have some frantic beer pong fun with the lights out! Beer pong is a great way to knock your party up a notch, so don't hang around - get your order in now!
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

It's been 35 years since the first Star Wars movie crashed into cinemas, and the world has been obsessed ever since. Characters like Darth Vader and Han Solo have become enormous popcultural icons, and words like 'Jedi', 'lightsaber' and 'sith' have entered common usage. In fact, over 390,000 people in England and Wales stated their religion as 'Jedi' in the 2001 national census, which means that Jediism is the fourth largest religion in the country.
All of which suggests that Star Wars fever is alive and well. We've got a great collection of Star Wars stuff for aspiring Jedis, so if you've always wanted to wield a lightsaber or wear your hair in Princess Leia buns, here's your chance.
We've got loads of great Star Wars stuff here at Gadget Inspector. From a lightsaber bottle opener to tins of R2-D2 mints, there's something for everyone. We've also got a selection of Star Wars costumes, so if you fancy being Darth Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi for your next fancy dress party, we'll sort you out.
Our range of Star Wars stuff is full of great gift ideas for avid Star Wars geeks. Check out our Star Wars range now, and may the force be with you!
You've earned a bit of time to yourself...

If you're feeling overworked, overstressed and overtired, we've got a wonderful selection of relaxing gifts and gadgets to help you get over it. Our relaxation zone contains loads of brilliant items that are great for a bit of rest and relaxation, and they'll all make perfect gifts for your stressed-out loved ones.
So if you're craving a bit of rest and relaxation, you've come to the right place. First off, check out this great trio of massage tools: the EZE massage, which is a great way to give yourself a back rub; the Hedonism massager, good for a head massage; and the Treo massager, which is just excellent all round, really.
Once you've massaged away the aches and pains of the day, it's time to plonk yourself down on the sofa and enjoy a bit of lazy relaxation in front of the TV. This is where our comfy and cosy Snug Rugs come in handy - they make the ultimate relaxing gifts, and they're brilliant for staying snug while you lounge around in your living room. The fleecy blanket has a pouch in the front for your remote control, and a pair of sleeves so that your hands are free to change the channel!
And when it's finally time for bed, you can rest your weary head on the brilliant iMusic Pillow. Simply plug in your iPod or MP3 player, and soothe yourself to sleep with all your favourite tunes as they play through the pillow's built-in speakers.
So when you're winding down, Gadget Inspector's fantastically relaxing gifts and gadgets will be your best friends. Remember: relaxation is a skill, and we're here to help you learn the ropes.