A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

It's been 35 years since the first Star Wars movie crashed into cinemas, and the world has been obsessed ever since. Characters like Darth Vader and Han Solo have become enormous popcultural icons, and words like 'Jedi', 'lightsaber' and 'sith' have entered common usage. In fact, over 390,000 people in England and Wales stated their religion as 'Jedi' in the 2001 national census, which means that Jediism is the fourth largest religion in the country.
All of which suggests that Star Wars fever is alive and well. We've got a great collection of Star Wars stuff for aspiring Jedis, so if you've always wanted to wield a lightsaber or wear your hair in Princess Leia buns, here's your chance.
We've got loads of great Star Wars stuff here at Gadget Inspector. From a lightsaber bottle opener to tins of R2-D2 mints, there's something for everyone. We've also got a selection of Star Wars costumes, so if you fancy being Darth Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi for your next fancy dress party, we'll sort you out.
Our range of Star Wars stuff is full of great gift ideas for avid Star Wars geeks. Check out our Star Wars range now, and may the force be with you!