In the age of the internet, it's all too easy to find a cool new gadget or an original gift idea. But gosh darn it, don't you always find that the best stuff is also the most expensive stuff? There are few things worse than stumbling across the perfect gift for your friend/family member/co-worker, only to check the price tag and realise that it's way, way out of your price range.

Well, the guys here at Gadget Inspector have had quite enough of this. If you're quick, we've got three great gadgety gifts going for just 99p - all you have to do is enter the relevant discount code at the checkout. Here's what we're selling for a song right now:

  • Get an awesome Ninja Coat Hook for just 99p using this discount code: ninjahook99
  • Pay just 99p for a groovy Pac Man Bottle Opener by entering this code: pacman4ever
  • And Jesus Soap is just under a pound when you use this code: jesussoap99

Offers only apply while stocks last. Each offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

If Twitter's list of trends is to be believed, today is Yorkshire Day! We actually didn't know there was such a thing, but we've had a look, and it turns out that Yorkshire Day has been celebrated on the first of August since 1975. Crikey! We're kind of ashamed of ourselves for not having heard of it sooner.

Now, if there's one rule of thumb here in the Gadget Inspector office, it's this:

Any excuse for a cup of tea.

We understand that Yorkshire folk enjoy a cup of brown joy as much as anyone, so we'd like to raise our novelty mugs in a toast to the White Rose County. All we have to do now is decide which mug to drink from: we're torn between the Egg Cup and this charming Green Fingers mug [no longer available]. Actually, since it's almost lunchtime, we may yet plump for the Take a Break mug - it's perfect for relaxing after a hard day at t'mill.

Dialectic clichés aside, here's to you, Yorkshire - enjoy your big day, and don't forget to make time for a cup of tea!

We're huge comic book fans here at Gadget Inspector and we've never attempted to keep that fact a secret. In fact, we embrace our geeky sides, and we'd heartily encourage everyone else to do the same!

Among the many, many superhero-related items you'll find on our fabulous gadget website, we have a small selection of sensational Superhero Wallets. You'll see two of them in the picture above; there's the brilliant Batman wallet (the menacing stare of the Dark Knight will surely discourage any potential thieves), and the smashing Superman wallet (a slightly more colourful option, but no less manly). Either way, you'll feel super-heroic every time you pay for something!

But here's the best news: we're currently running special offers on both of these brilliant products! The Superman Wallet is our current Deal of the Week, meaning that you can get it for less than half price if you move quickly (not necessarily faster than a speeding bullet...but yeah, reasonably quickly). The Batman Wallet, meanwhile, might not cost you anything at all - enter our Gadget competition on Twitter and you could win one for absolutely nowt!

Whether you're bonkers for Bruce Wayne or crazy for Clark Kent, Gadget Inspector will always have an awesome place for you to keep your cash.

All of our hip young friends have forsaken us in favour of the Glastonbury festival this week. It's weird; everyone left on Tuesday, but we've checked online and it seems like there's no actual music until Friday. What are they doing in the meantime -twiddling their thumbs?

Oh well. This blog post is probably a bit late for Glastonbury-goers, but if you're attending any music festivals later this summer, then we've got a couple of fab festival products that no tent-dwelling music fan should be without:

  • Our Festival Feet are an innovative alternative to wellies. If you'd rather wear your usual, comfortable footwear when you're wandering around the festival site, simply put these protective covers over your shoes and head for the main stage, safe in the knowledge that your favourite shoes aren't getting ruined.

  • It can get pretty boring when you're waiting for the arena to open and the bands to start, so why not invest in a Wicked Wedge to lounge around on while you wait? This inflatable festival accessory is super-comfortable, and it puts you in the perfect position for a bit of light reading.

The 21st of June has been and gone, so we can now officially say that it's summertime. And that means long days, summery smells, and plenty of wonderful warm sunshine. Not that anyone here at Gadget Inspector will notice; we're all planning to spend our summers indoors, playing video games. Just like always!

So, will you be drawing the curtains and settling in for some spectacular console action this summer? And if so, which games will you be playing? With over 30 years of history to draw upon, there's an almost infinite selection of stuff for the summertime gamer to choose from, and we...what's that? You'll be playing nothing but Call of Duty from now until September? Oh.

War games might be all well and good for some people, but the Gadget Inspector office is populated with guys and gals who never really let go of their old games. This is why our gadget website is so chocka with retro gaming paraphernalia; we've got Tetris Lights coming out our ears, but there's not a Master Chief bobble head or a Nathan Drake bottle opener in sight. Perhaps this is something of an oversight on our part - a lot of people have played the Uncharted series, so a range of Nathan Drake gadgets might actually sell pretty well!

But our allegiance will always lie with retro games. Modern stuff is very impressive, and they've done very well to make everything look life-like and cinematic, but if we want something like that then we'll go to the pictures, thank you very much. Give us a pixellated wheel of cheese being chased around a labyrinth by four wide-eyed ghost thingies; give us an assortment of falling blocks that disappear when arranged in a certain way; give us simple, instantly playable, not-cinematic-but-still-incredibly-immersive gameplay any day of the week.

So that's why we're sticking with retro games. The day we acknowledge any game that was released this side of the millennium is the day we forget who we are. Enjoy your summers