Comic book wallets from Gadget Inspector

Comic book fans! Do you wish you had somewhere cool to keep your cash, cards and coinage? Then step right this way! Gadget Inspector's awesome comic book wallets are the perfect presents for anyone who's crazy about comics or smitten with superheroes!
Batman and Superman - two of the superest heroes of all time, we think you'll agree - are both here, and they both make great companions for your cash. Whether you go for this colourful Superman Comic Wallet or this stylish, iconic Batman Logo Wallet, our super wallets will take care of your money 24/7!
So if you want some super wallets with a difference, rest assured that Batman and Superman will look after your cash just as vigilantly as they look after their cities. Gadget Inspector's comic book wallets make great gifts, naturally, but they're just as great when you buy one for yourself!