Now that it's late February and the New Year diet has folded like a house of cards, let's talk treats. We'll eat more or less anything here at Gadget Inspector HQ - when it comes to sugary snacks, we're not at all fussy.
That said, we are particularly partial to a chocolate chip cookie or two, particularly because we've got such a cool place to keep them:
This, friends, is a Darth Vader Cookie Jar, and it's exactly as awesome in the flesh as it looks in that photo. We've actually found ourselves popping to Tesco for another packet of Marylands just so we've got something to put in the Vader jar. It's not healthy, but we don't care - a cookie jar that cool deserves to be used!
Of course, there's more than one perk to keeping your cookies in Darth Vader's helmet. We've found that, since we started using the Vader jar, cases of cookie theft are way down; our precious cookies used to 'go missing' all the time, but who on Earth is brave enough to filch biscuits from the scariest, strangliest Sith Lord of all time? Nobody at the Gadget Inspector office, that's for sure.
We're certain that, by now, you're itching for a Vader jar of your very own. And that's the
really good news: you can
buy one right now! We've got plenty of Star Wars cookie jars to go around, and we've even knocked £10 off the price - Vader is now just £19.99, giving you a bit of extra money to save for sweet, sweet cookies!
The Six Nations Championship is upon us again, and people throughout the UK are once more rediscovering their fondness for rugby (if only so that they can be smug when their country wins).
Of course, you're not one of those fair-weather fans; you're a true supporter. You care about rugby every second you're awake, and you've no time for these clowns who only watch five games a year.
And since you're such a big rugby nut, you'll no doubt be attending a match or two before the end of March. If this is the case, you'll need something to wear...and that, dear reader, is where we come in. We don't doubt that you were already planning to hit the stadium in your team's colours, but why wear a boring old rugby jersey like everybody else when you could be wearing an awesome
For example, our eye-catching
Irish Shamrock Suit will help you stand out from the crowd at the Aviva Stadium...
...and this ravishing
Red Suit is so wonderfully Welsh that Max Boyce himself would turn green with envy!
If you don't support Ireland or Wales, panic not - we've got plenty of other OppoSuits to suit your allegiance:
We don't have any England-themed suits, but if you can overlook the irony of wearing Union flags while you jeer at members of the other home nations, this snazzy blue-and-red number will do just as well!
We were going to suggest that this suit would be good for fans of the French rugby team, but then we realised how terribly trite it would be to suggest that moustaches are somehow inherently French.
America is one of the six nations, right?
Despicable Me fans across the world are no doubt dribbling at the prospect of Minions, an upcoming feature-length film that will see Gru's adorable yellow henchmen set out on an adventure of their very own.
But, with the première still a few months away, how much do we actually know about the year's most hotly-anticipated family flick? Let's find out...
When's the release date? The film comes out on July 10 in the USA, although we lucky Brits get it a little bit earlier; June 26 is the film's UK release date.
What's the story? Minions is a prequel to the Despicable Me films. It will show us the history of the minions, giving us a glimpse of what happened to them before they joined Gru's cause. If you've seen the trailer, you already know some details; the minions have been around since prehistoric times, and the sole purpose of their existence is to serve the world's most despicable supervillains.
After disastrous stints with Genghis Khan, Napoleon, and other historical baddies, they find themselves without a master, and so three brave minions - Kevin, Stuart and Bob - set out to find somebody new to serve.
Who's in it? Well, the minions themselves will all be voiced by Pierre Coffin, who is also the film's co-director. There are big stars elsewhere, though; Sandra Bullock will play Scarlet Overkill, the villainess whom the minions end up trying to woo, while Scarlet's husband Herb will be voiced by Jon Hamm (a.k.a. Don Draper from Mad Men). Michael Keaton, Alison Janney, and Steve Coogan will also star in as-yet-unconfirmed roles.
Will any other established Despicable Me characters make a surprise cameo? Not that we're aware of. There's been no suggestion that Steve Carrell (Gru) will be involved in this movie; nor is there any sign of Russell Brand (Dr Nefario) Miranda Cosgrove (Margo), Dana Gaier (Edith), or Elsie Kate Fisher (Agnes) on the cast list as it stands.
Will there be another proper Despicable Me film? Indeed there will - Despicable Me 3 is tentatively slated for release in 2017, so Gru and his girls will be back in a couple of years.
Can I have my own minion? Yes you can! Our
Talking RC Minions are huggable, snuggable, and every bit as adorable as their on-screen counterparts.
Get yours here.
The trouble with beer pong as a party game is the fact that only two people can play (or four, if you're doing it in teams). The average party has, like, way more people than that, and this means that, if you're having a beer pong party, most of your guests can expect to be sat on the sidelines doing nothing for the whole evening.
But it doesn't haven't to be that way.
Party Pong is a brand new game that takes the basic idea of beer pong and gets EVERYBODY in on the action! Here's how it works...
- Two 'shooters' are chosen - these are the people who will actually be playing beer pong. The shooters stand at opposite ends of the beer pong table while everyone else forms a circle around them.
- Fill 12 cups with beer and place them on the table (6 at each end). Then, shuffle the 'Party Forfeit' deck and place 1 card under each beer cup.
- Play beer pong! Shooters take it in turns to throw their ball at the other shooter's cups; if a ball lands in a cup, that cup's owner must drink the cup's contents, remove it from the table, and read out the 'Party Forfeit' card that was underneath.
- Here's where things get fun for everyone else: the WHOLE PARTY must now follow the card's instructions, whatever they may be. Usually, you'll end up playing some sort of mini-game like Fuzzy Duck or Categories, but there are 24 different cards in the Party Pong set, so it could be pretty much anything!
- Once the card's instructions have been carried out, play resumes as normal until another cup is hit. When one player runs out of cups, elect two new shooters and start the game again! Woo-hoo!
Now, we know what you're thinking: "That sounds like a heap of fun! How can I play?"
Well, you can either
click here and purchase a shiny new Party Pong set from the Gadget Inspector website...or you can enter our
Twitter competition and try to win one!

We're giving away a complete Party Pong set - including cups, balls, and those all-important forfeit cards - to one lucky tweeter, and all you have to do to be in with a chance is
follow @GadgetInspector and
retweet this post!
The winner will be announced in a week's time. Best of luck!