Fellow gadget fans...allow us to introduce our brand new
RC Inflatables! These adorable inflatables make a great gift for Christmas; they can move in any direction, turn 360 degrees, and even talk to you!
Suitable for both indoor and outdoor play, our RC inflatables make the perfect gift for any child, although we're sure that fully-grown adults will love playing with them too! Here's a quick run-down of what we have to offer:
Just £39.99!
From a galaxy far, far away comes everyone's favourite droid! Our inflatable R2-D2 enables to embark upon your very own intergalactic adventures - just inflate him and get going!
Just £39.99!
Have you always wanted to conquer the galaxy? Well, now you can with this cool RC Inflatable Darth Vader! This inflatable Sith lord is sure to have the rebels running for cover.
From £39.99!
You can now bring the ultimate Jedi master to life in your living room with this RC Inflatable Yoda. Children of all ages (and probably adults, too) will love controlling Yoda and hearing him talk, so grab yours now before the Sith take over the galaxy!
Just £39.99!
Did you love the Despicable Me and Minion movies? Of course you did! Well, you can now have your very own star of the show: Kevin!
Just £39.99!
If your children preferred Stuart to Kevin, then this inflatable Minion is perfect! We think they're all amazing and just love playing with them!
If you're a Star Wars fan or a model-making addict, you're going to love this! Our R2-D2 3D Model Kit is a challenge, but the awesome R2 model that you end up with is well worth the effort! It'll look great on your mantelpiece, and then everyone will be able to admire your great craftsmanship! There is no soldering or gluing needed - simply pop out the pieces and get connecting!
By now, you must be wondering how you can get your hands on one this fantastic model kit.The good news is that you might just be able to win one in our latest competition; we've once again teamed up with Hyper Recruitment Solutions on Twitter, and we'll be giving away an R2-D2 3D model kit to one lucky winner on the 2nd of October 2015!
So how do you enter this amazing competition? Here's what you have to do:
That's all there is to it - as it says above, the competition closes at 10am on Friday (October 2nd), so make sure you get your entry in before then!
Freshers Week 2015 is here! It's a week where you will drink copious amounts of alcohol into the wee hours of the morning, trying to drink everyone under the table and then ending up dancing on that table! You'll probably wake up not knowing where you are, how you got there or what happened that night, but that's all part of the booze fuelled fun! Of course, an epic freshers night out can't start without having a totally awesome pre-drinks party! But sometimes it's hard to think of ways to make the party epic. This is where we step in to help - we've listed our top 5 fresher essentials that will make your freshers week as epic as can be!
Just £9.50!
Beer pong is the daddy of all drinking games! It's been played at parties since the stone age! But this is no ordinary pong set. Twist Pong is a spinner game that puts a fun twist on the classic beer pong rules: for every cup you lose, you have to twist the spinner board of doom and do a forfeit! That forfeit could be anything from missing a go to switching sides with your opponent - anything can happen in Twist Pong!
Just £6.99!
Beer bongs have been popular since your parents were young, and for good reason - they can always be relied upon to liven up any party! The Ultimate Beer Bong is the perfect way to turn a few quiet drinks into an exciting challenge; just pour your drink into the funnel and attempt to drink it all in one go. You'll either become the legend of the party or get shamefully soaked, but either way, fun is guaranteed!
Just £69.99!
It's kind of difficult to play beer pong without a table. Sure, you could always use your dinning table but if you spill beer all over it, which is highly likely, that table is going to get really sticky. So why not get yourself a proper beer pong table instead? This Sunken Cup table is perfect for all your beer pong needs, and it even shows you where to put the cups!
Just £3.99!
Don't you just hate the long, tedious wait for your drink to dribble out of the bottle? It has angered many for centuries! Well, no longer! This brilliant Bottle Bong just fits onto the bottle like a glove and, by some strange black magic, it makes the liquid come out faster! Your drink will be gone in seconds...if you can handle it....
Just £10.99!
It ain't a party without jagerbombs, and these 'Bomber' Jagerbomb cups are perfect for them. The design is simple, yet effective: it's a cup inside of the cup, and the smaller cup is shaped like a cool rocket! Just add your Jager and energy drink and you're ready to go!
Click here for more great drinking accessories from Gadget Inspector!
Do you enjoy a good singalong in the shower or bath? Of course you do! We all like to pretend we're Britney Spears or Michael Jackson from time to time. But, obviously, you can't just bring your phone in with you - after all, water and smartphones don't really get along with one another!
Fortunately, our Bluetooth Shower Speaker is here to help! Just stick it to the shower and, by the power of Bluetooth, you can play your favourite tunes from your phone! You can even answer phone calls!
By now, you must be wondering how you can get your hands on one. T
he good news is that you might just be able to win one in our latest competition. We've once again teamed up with Hyper Recruitment Solutions on Twitter, and we'll be giving away a shower speaker to one lucky winner on the 18th of September 2015.
So how do you enter this fabulous competition? Here's what you have to do:

That's all there is to it - as it says above, the competition closes at 10.00am on Friday (August 18th), so make sure you
get your entry in before then!
Click here to see more of the Bluetooth Shower Speaker.