With December mere moments away, everyone's on the lookout for great Christmas presents. If you're a parent seeking Christmas presents for your kids, or just a big kid who wants some fun new gadgets to play with, then you're in luck because Gadget Inspector has come up with a coupel of brilliant toys that are sure to light up their little faces on Christmas morning.
This Remote Control Spy Helicopter with Spy Camera, for example, is a whole new breed of remote control toy. It's just as high-flying and easy to control as all of our remote control helicopters, but this one comes with the awesome addition of a fully-functioning camera. This allows you and the kids to see what the copter is seeing, so whether you're spying on your family or just enjoying the view from up there, these new gadgets are a must for budding pilots in need of Christmas presents.
Elsewhere in our stack of new gadgets you'll find the Attacknid Robot [no longer available]. It looks like any old remote control spider, but factor in the ability to shoot foam discs and the body armour that springs off when hit by another Attacknid and you've got yourself the coolest of the cool new gadgets. A pair of fighting Attacknids would make fantastic Christmas presents, or you can just stick to one and have some fun terrorising your household with your awesome armoured spider.
There are plenty of other brand new gadgets for you to discover this December, so no matter what kind of Christmas presents you're after, rest assured that you'll find them on our gadget website.
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Whether you're going to the match or staying home, we've got some great football stuff for you!

The summer of 2012 was a big one for sport, as you probably noticed if you turned the TV on at any point during July or August. But just because the leaves have fallen and the clocks gone back doesn't mean that you have to put away your football stuff and turn your mind to more wintry endeavours.
Die-hard football fans won't need to be told this, of course; many people were ecstatic when the Olympics finally went away because it meant that the football season would soon be kicking off. If you're planning on spending a Saturday afternoon in the stands this December, Gadget Inspector has some fab football stuff just for you! We've just added a bunch of great Santa costume sets to the website, and they're perfect for dressing up spreading some seasonal joy around the stadium this winter. And because we want our football stuff to appeal to everyone, our Santa sets come in a range of colours; just find the one that's closest to your team's colours, and rest assured that your sporty Santa outfit will fit right in with everyone else's clothes in the home stand!
Still, if the winter wind is too biting for you and you'd rather watch the matches at home, we've got some great football stuff for you as well. This awesome Inflatable Football Chair makes the perfect place to sit and watch the action unfold - it's super-comfy and easy-to-inflate! We've got football stuff for every footie fanatic here at Gadget Inspector - check it out now!

Another week, another piping hot batch of fresh new gadgets. We did promise even more new gadgets, and we hate to disappoint, so here's a quick round-up of the latest gadgets to grace the face of our fabulous website:
Newest of the new gadgets is this brilliant Phone Shaped Shower Head. Universal fitting makes it easy to attach the big red receiver to your current shower, and if your bathroom looks a bit boring, this eye-catching accessory is the perfect way to brighten it up. And hey, your morning shower will become endlessly more entertaining when your water is pouring out of a jumbo-sized telephone.
Elsewhere in our new gadgets box, we have these colourful Slap Watches. They're not too dissimilar to normal watches, really, but they're a heck of a lot more dynamic; instead of faffing around with buckles and holes, you just smack it against your wrist and it does the rest, curling up to fit your arm perfectly. They come in a range of funky colours, too - which is your favourite?
Have a think about it and tell us later, because we need to round up our round-up of new gadgets. The last thing we're going to mention is our fantastic Superman Manicure Set [no longer available]; if you're a comic book fan and you're keen to ensure that your nails are always in super condition, you're pretty much sorted.
That's all for now, but it probably won't be long before we've got even more new gadgets to show off. In the meantime, have a browse of the website, follow us on the Gadget Inspector Twitter page, and generally have a nice time. See you soon!
Is there anyone left in the Western world that hasn't played Angry Birds yet? Since the game's release in December '09, these furious feathered folk have become the smash hit sensation of the iPhone generation. They're inescapable, those Angry Birds - they've been turned into cuddly toys, speakers, toy cars, and even a range of soft drinks.
But the Angry Birds toys that have just crash-landed at Gadget Inspector are easily the best of the bunch. The latest addition to our Air Swimmers range, the remote control Angry Birds toys allow you to steer your own raging red robin through the sky, bringing the million-selling game straight into the real world!
They're great fun to just fly around, but if you really want to get the most out of the Angry Birds toys, here's what to do. Get some makeshift building materials - sofa cushions, planks of wood, whatever you can find - and build a precariously-balanced fortress in your living room. Then, grab your Angry Birds Air Swimmer and set a course straight for the castle you've constructed! You probably won't be able to find any greedy green pigs to terrorise with your antics, but there's still plenty of fun to be had with Gadget Inspector's Angry Birds toys. You can choose from the classic red Angry Birds Air Swimmer or have some futuristic fun with the amazing astro-avian that is the Angry Birds Space Air Swimmer; either one will provide you with hours of enjoyment. So what are you waiting for? Get yours today!
Yet more new gadgets have been added to our range!
Gadget Inspector has always been the best gadget website around, and we're getting better every day! We added a fistful of fabulous new gadgets to the site just this morning, so if you're looking to get your Christmas shopping started promptly, here are a few ideas for you. This gadget website has a present for everyone!
No good gadget website can afford to ignore the ubiquitous presence of the iPhone in modern life, so we at Gadget Inspector do everything we can to top up our range of iPhone Accessories with some new gadgets every so often. The latest addition is Arcadie [no longer available], the iPhone accessory that turns your device into a retro arcade video game machine! Perfect for gadgety gamers who want to take it back to the old school.
Elsewhere on our gadget website, you'll find all kinds of other new gadgets, including a DIY Calculator that you can doodle on, a pair of Oven Gloves [no longer available] that look like baseball mitts, and a set of Emergency Coasters that will protect your table from emergencies of all kinds, as long as those emergencies are related to stains caused by un-coasted driinks. Gadget Inspector really is the best gadget website on the net, and if none of these gadgets take your fancy, check back in a couple of days - we'll have even more new gadgets for you to choose from!