Another week, another piping hot batch of fresh new gadgets. We did promise even more new gadgets, and we hate to disappoint, so here's a quick round-up of the latest gadgets to grace the face of our fabulous website:
Newest of the new gadgets is this brilliant Phone Shaped Shower Head. Universal fitting makes it easy to attach the big red receiver to your current shower, and if your bathroom looks a bit boring, this eye-catching accessory is the perfect way to brighten it up. And hey, your morning shower will become endlessly more entertaining when your water is pouring out of a jumbo-sized telephone.
Elsewhere in our new gadgets box, we have these colourful Slap Watches. They're not too dissimilar to normal watches, really, but they're a heck of a lot more dynamic; instead of faffing around with buckles and holes, you just smack it against your wrist and it does the rest, curling up to fit your arm perfectly. They come in a range of funky colours, too - which is your favourite?
Have a think about it and tell us later, because we need to round up our round-up of new gadgets. The last thing we're going to mention is our fantastic Superman Manicure Set [no longer available]; if you're a comic book fan and you're keen to ensure that your nails are always in super condition, you're pretty much sorted.
That's all for now, but it probably won't be long before we've got even more new gadgets to show off. In the meantime, have a browse of the website, follow us on the Gadget Inspector Twitter page, and generally have a nice time. See you soon!