The smartphone addict is everywhere in modern society. Just look around - you'll see smartphone addicts on trains, in cafés, maybe even in your own home!
With so many smartphone addicts about, the chances are good that you'll have to buy a few Christmas presents for one of them this year. That's where Gadget Inspector comes in; we've got a bunch of great gadgets and gifts that would make fantastic Christmas presents for any smartphone addict. Check out our Touch Screen Gloves that let you operate your smartphone while you're wrapped up warm, or the brand new Smartphone Cushtie, which makes a squishy and comfortable place for the smartphone addict to rest his head.
We've got plenty of other great smartphone accessories available here at Gadget Inspector, so have a poke around and see if you can't find a great batch of Christmas presents for the addict in your life!

Our gadget website is packed with R2D2 gadgets. Slowly but surely they've been piling up, and now we've got more R2D2 gadgets than we know what to do with.
Gadget Inspector's obsession with the Star Wars franchise is well-documented, but as much as we love Han, Luke, Leia and the others, R2 will always be our favourite character. Just look at him - how could anyone resist the cute little guy?
So do forgive the site if it's a little heavy on the R2D2 gadgets. They are all awesome, mind - from the Inflatable Remote Control R2D2 robot to the brand new R2D2 Cookie Jar, we've got everything the modern R2 addict could ask for.

Oven gloves. Pretty much every kitchen has them, but they don't tend to be the most eye-catching of kitchen accessories, do they?
Not unless your oven gloves come from Gadget Inspector. We've got a great selection of novelty oven gloves available, and if there's a baker in your family, our awesome oven gloves will make the perfect presents for them!
The Home Run Oven Mitts [no longer available] will bring a bit of the baseball field into the kitchen - those calorific cakes might seem a little less naughty if you pretend to be engaged in some sort of sporting activity beforehand. Still, if the sporting life isn't for you, perhaps you'll prefer these Knitted Oven Gloves, designed to look like they were cut out from a homemade Christmas jumper, but just as padded and protective as any good pair of oven gloves.
Factor in the Pixel Hand Oven Mitts we mentioned yesterday and you're spoilt for choice! No matter what kind of personality your favourite baker has, Gadget Inspector is sure to have the perfect pair of Oven Gloves for them.
Big presents are the best presents, obviously, but it wouldn't be Christmas without an array of smaller treats at the bottom of your stocking as well. But chocolate coins and selection boxes have been done to death - surely there are more original stocking fillers to be had?
Well, as luck would have it, there are! We've got a range of great stocking fillers here at Gadget Inspector, and they're just as tasty as all the old favourites. And if you're the parent of a die-hard Nintendo fan, we've got especially good news for you because a fair chunk of our stocking fillers are Nintendo-themed! You can choose from the Super Star Candies, the Wii Controller Gum, and the Nintendo Power Mints. All are terrifically tasty treats that any Mario fan would be thrilled to find in their stocking on Christmas morning!
We've also got a selection of Star Wars-themed stocking fillers, including R2D2 Mints and more. Whatever you go for, our Stocking Fillers will ensure that your Christmas is a merry one!
Everybody knows a retro gamer, and if you need Christmas presents for your favourite retroist then the Tetris Light from Gadget Inspector is perfect.
This official Tetris product is made up of seven brightly-coloured tetrominoes (the blocks that were immortalised in the game). All you have to do is plug the long blue Tetris Light into the mains, and stack the other blocks on top of it – they light up on contact!
So if you’re looking for Christmas presents with a nostalgic appeal, the Tetris Light should serve you well. You can stack the blocks in any way you see fit, making this a bedroom accessory with endless possibilities!