So you've treated yourself to a cool remote control helicopter, and it didn't even cost that much because Gadget Inspector were having a massive sale. Awesome! Now, what are you going to do with it?
Here are five fun ways to test your skills as an RC helicopter pilot. Please note that Gadget Inspector will not be held responsible for any damage caused while attempting these challenges!
Challenge #1: Thru the Window
Open your ground floor window and your first floor window. Place your chopper on the ground floor windowsill. Standing in front of the house, attempt to fly the helicopter out of the lower window, up the face of the house, and in through the top window. Alternatively, ask the people opposite you to open their bedroom window and fly your helicopter across the street!
Challenge #2: Treetop Slalom
Find a good tree with a lots of criss-crossing branches. Fly your copter up through the branches and attempt to reach the top of the tree without bumping into any bark!
Challenge #3: Over the Water
Go to a lake or, failing that, run a bath. Fly your helicopter over the water, and see how close you can get to the surface without falling in! Can you skim your chopper across the water?
Challenge #4: Cargo Drop
This one is specifically for the Bladez Transporter. See, the transporter has an adjustable winch that can be raised and lowered in-flight. It also comes with a cargo basket - to complete this challenge, you must successfully pick up the basket using the winch, carry it across the room, and safely deliver your cargo without dropping it.
Challenge #5: The Floor is Made of Lava
Clear a space in your living room. Dot some cushions around the floor (or anything that could serve as a 'landing pad'). The floor is now made of lava - you must successfully pilot your helicopter from one side of the room to the other, landing on each cushion in turn without ever touching the floor itself.