It's amazing to read about the chaos that remote control helicopters can cause. We're pretty keen RC pilots here at Gadget Inspector, but nobody here in the office has ever run into this sort of trouble:
RC Helicopter Takes Down Gigantic RC Plane
The bigger they come, the harder they fall. Watch in awe as a majestic 80-inch Mitsubishi fighter plane is sent crashing to the ground by a relatively tiny RC chopper:
Video no longer exists - sorry! :(
It's like David and Goliath, except in the air.
Dutch UFO Watchers Fooled by RC Drone
This forum post tells the rather amusing (but also slightly sad) story of a UFO sighting organisation in the Netherlands who recorded several false sightings because someone was out flying their quadrocopter after hours. Lesson learned, we suppose?
RC Helicopter Smuggles Tobacco Into a Prison
We're not quite sure of the law here in Britain, but in Georgia, USA, you're not allowed tobacco in prison. It's contraband. Still, that didn't stop some bright sparks from flying an RC helicopter over the prison wall in an attempt to give the prisoners on the other side their nicotine fix. Incidentally, the four people responsible were apprehended, and they may face up to 20 years in prison for smuggling contraband goods. Somewhere, the Gods of Irony are chuckling to themselves.