They float through the air with the greatest of ease...

Well, September has arrived and summer is on its last legs. But don't be sad - Gadget Inspector is here to steer you away from the autumn blues! We've already got plenty of cool stuff with which to cheer you up, but pretty soon we'll be adding a whole lot more.
And of all the awesome new items coming your away this autumn, it's the Air Swimmers that we're most excited about. You may already be familiar with our Shark and Clown Fish Air Swimmers, and if you liked them then you'll love their new friends.
The Air Swimmers Piranha is the first new addition to the family, and a right menacing young man he is too. But, as cool as the Piranha is, it's the Angry Birds Air Swimmers that have really got us excited. Fans of mobile gaming and puzzle-based avian mischief are sure to go nuts for these furious flying fellas, and if you get some planks of wood together you can even build a tower and re-create the best-selling game, crashing your floaty friend into your makeshift skyscraper and knocking it to the ground.
These new Air Swimmers products will be coming out in November, but you can pre-order them now. Just go to your chosen product's page and sign up for the email alert. Still, if you can't wait that long, we've got the Shark and the Clown Fish to tide you over. Go to our Air Swimmers page and have some fishy fun!