The world is your soundsystem!

These colourful little balls might look delicious, but before you eat them, try plugging one into your MP3 player and putting it on top of an empty cardboard box. What looks like a gumball is in fact The Mighty Boom Ball, and if you've remembered to put the batteries in, you'll find that your box has been magically transformed into a great big cardboard speaker!
If it's hollow, the Boom Ball can turn it into a speaker. While bigger is generally better, this portable speaker can work with more or less anything - from a Coke can to a kitchen cupboard. The Boom Ball is great for portable music listening, obviously, but there's plenty of fun to be had just by trying it out on different objects and seeing which one makes the best sound system.
So get your music devices and cardboard boxes ready - The Mighty Boom Ball is available now from Gadget Inspector, and we're just waiting for your order. Great sound on the go is just a pair of AAA batteries away!