Cool gadgets and unusual items to get you in the festive mood!

Being as it's not even November yet you might think it's a bit early to start talking about Christmas present ideas, but once Halloween and Bonfire Night are out of the way, December the 25th will be rushing towards us faster than a rocket-powered reindeer. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to get anything good, so why not have a poke around Gadget Inspector's catalogue of cool gadgets now, and get the Christmas shopping done early?

We've got a great gift for everyone here at Gadget Inspector, so whether you're buying for your parents, your kids, or somebody in between, we're bound to have some cool gadgets that will make their Christmas morning. Little'uns are easy - what child wouldn't love playing with our Remote Control Inflatable R2D2 while they wait for their Christmas lunch? We've also got a heap of Christmas present ideas that will appeal to the slightly older child, including this fantastic Remote Control Quadrocopter which flies through the air and even does 360-degree flips in mid-air! Be warned, though - cool gadgets like this can lead to a serious battle for the controller, especially if Dad likes his remote control helicopters.

Speaking of Dad, we've got a range of cool gadgets and Christmas present ideas for slightly older family members, too - Dad can soothe his aching bones with our selection of marvellous massage gadgets, while mum can enjoy a cup of Christmas tea out of her brand new mug.

If you're short of Christmas present ideas, our website is packed with cool gadgets that will suit everyone's needs. We've got something for all the family, so get stuck in and remember, it's better to give than to receive! 

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Not Even The Skies Are The Limit For Our Quadcopter!

We stumbled across this video earlier and it reminded us on how awesome our Micro Drone quadcopter helicopters are:



This awesome display by 30 quadcopters was the work of Ars Electronia as they lit up the skies of London to celebrate the release of the new Star Trek film. They marked out a giant Star Trek insignia 300 feet tall at a height of 118 to 426 feet above the capital. It got us here at Gadget Inspector thinking just how impressive our quadcopter is and how far reaching its capabilities are.

Our Micro drone Quadcopter pushes the boundaries of what is physcially possible with remote control flying. It has 4 rotary blades, a self stabalising system, gyro-control and an amazing range of 120 metres. It is these kind of features that helped it achieve a stunt like this and it is these features that can provide you with endless flying possiblities. 

This is literally the most sophisticated flying machine on the market and can even peform 360 degree flips at the push of a button. At this very moment our quadcopter is on special offer so there has never been a better time to take to the skies and play with the laws of physics.

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