This brilliant remote control boat is the latest of our great toy bargains

If you're getting your Christmas shopping done promptly and you're looking for a couple of terrific toy bargains, Gadget Inspector is here to help. We're doing a different gadget deal every week between now and Christmas, and our latest Deal of the Week is on this fantastic Remote Control Boat. The Dash II boat was £59.99, but for this week only you can get it for just £29.99 (while stocks last). That's a saving of £30 - you can hardly afford not to buy one!
Still, if remote control boats aren't your thing, fear not. There'll be another gadget deal next week...and the week after that...and another one after that! We love toy bargains, but there'll be offers on other great gadgets too, so keep your eyes peeled an watch out for the next great gadget deal.
Follow Gadget Inspector on Twitter for loads of other deals, features and fun stuff.