Our Micro Drone Quadrocopter takes remote control fun to a whole new level!
If you’ve already got yourself a brilliant RC Helicopter from Gadget Inspector, and you’ve more or less mastered that, then perhaps it’s time to take your remote control experience to the next level. The brand new Micro Drone Quadrocopter is a huge leap forward for remote control technology, and here’s why:
- The quadrocopter boasts a four-blade, quad-rotor design that gives it unprecedented stability in the air. It also has a rather clever self-stabilising system, so your quadrocopter will rule the skies even when it’s windy!
- Intuitive 4-channel controls make the quadrocopter the smoothest ride you’ve ever piloted! The gyroscopic steering system allows you to fly your quadrocopter forwards, backwards, up, down, left and right, and the sprawling 120-metre range allows your remote control aircraft to scale heights you could only dream of before.
- Best of all, the quadrocopter can perform death-defying stunts at the push of a button. The remote control boffins who built the quadrocopter included an algorithm that allows it to do a 360-degree flips in mid-air. Just press the stunt button on the remote control handset, and your quadrocopter will soon be somersaulting around the sky like nobody’s business.
So if you want an RC helicopter with a bit of bite, the quadrocopter really is the only way to go. Still, this is cutting-edge stuff, so if you don’t think you’re ready for the quadrocopter just yet then perhaps you should start with one of our other Remote Control Helicopters first.