It's Bonfire Night, which means superb firework displays, toasty bonfires and spectacular sparklers! The tradition of Bonfire Night dates back to 1605, when Guy Fawkes mastered a plot to blow up King James I and his government on November 5th, leading to his subsequent arrest and execution, along with that of his followers.

These days, we remember the event by setting off fireworks and lighting bonfires to burn the "Guy"- a kind of totemic figure that represents Fawkes. 
Here at Gadget Inspector, we thought we'd celebrate by telling you 5 things you didn't know about Bonfire Night. 

The origin of fireworks: 
Fireworks were first invented in the 10th century, by a Chinese cook who accidentally mixed three common kitchen ingredients - potassium nitrate, sulphur and charcoal. The cook then set this crazy concoction alight, resulting in a burst of colourful flames. The cook also noticed that if the mixture was burned inside a hollow bamboo shoot, there was a tremendous explosion following its ignition.

We've made some spectacular kitchen blunders in the past, but nothing quite like that...  

The first fireworks in Britain: 
The first recorded fireworks in Britain, were those at the wedding of King Henry VII in 1486. They increased in popularity during the reign of Henry VIII, and by Elizabethan times (1558-1603) there was even a fireworks master! Queen Elizabeth I created this post, with the intention that someone would be in charge of organising firework displays for great occasions. 
I bet he/she was the coolest person in town! 

It used to be illegal NOT to celebrate it: 
Up until 1959, it was illegal not to celebrate Bonfire Night in Britain. The only exception to this rule was St. Peters School in York, which Guy Fawkes attended as a student. To this day, St. Peters refuse to celebrate Bonfire Night as a mark of respect for their former pupil.  

Let's drop some science! 
There's just something about drawing your name in the air with a sparkler, that turns adults into children again. Don't lie, we know you all enjoy doing it! But, sparklers can become incredibly hot, with some even reaching temperatures of up to 2000 degrees Celsius! That's more than 15 times the boiling point of water! Some seriously hot stuff! 

Also, have you ever wondered why you see the explosion of a firework before hearing it? Well, wonder no more! This is due to the fact that light travels a lot quicker than sound. Sound travels about 761 mph, whereas light travels at 671,000,000 mph, which is roughly the speed you rush home at when you see you have 9 missed called from your mother.  
The Most Fireworks used in a display: 
The title for the most fireworks used in a single display goes to the Norwegians, who used a whopping 540,382 fireworks! This included 15,272 fireworks that were discounted because they didn't light. The Firework display lasted for one and half hours, which just about trumps the regular display you get in your back garden! 

Everyone here at Gadget Inspector hopes you have a great and safe Bonfire Night!
November is here, which can only mean one thing: Movember! It's that time of year when men from all corners of the globe neglect to shave their upper lip hair for a month, all in the name of charity.

To celebrate this spectacular occasion, we've decided to run a competition! We want all you guys who are participating in Movember to give us a follow on Twitter, then tweet us a picture of your magnificent moustache. This will put you in with a chance of winning one of three marvellous moustache-related prizes for your efforts!

The competition closes at midday on Monday 30th November, which gives you plenty of time to grow your moustache and send in the pictures! We will announce the top 3 moustaches along with their owners on our website and on social media; each one will win a prize!

Thabto Moustache Door Mat

Anchorman Wallet and Moustache Set

ZAP - Mullet and Tache Set

As the judges of this competition, we want to see individuality, significant growth, thickness, effort, and an all-round well-groomed 'tache!

So what are you waiting for? Start growing and tweet us your pictures! Good luck!

To celebrate the beginning of this year’s annual tache-growing month, we thought we would give you a definitive list of our favourite moustache themed gifts and novelties. All of the following would make cool congratulatory gestures for those participating in the Movemeber challenge, as well as great ideas for Christmas gifts and stocking fillers.

Thabto Moustache Door Mat

This moustache themed door mat is perfect for moustache enthusiasts and hipsters alike. Place it outside your house to show your neighbours how utterly cool and awesome you are….

moustache door mat

Anchorman Wallet and Moustache Set

If you’re worried that your movember effort is likely to resemble the facial hair of an awkward teenager who hasn't discovered shaving yet, don’t worry, we've got you covered! This Anchorman Wallet and Moustache Set comes with a fake moustache that is as full and luscious as that of Ron Burgundy himself.

anchorman wallet set

In Disguise Magnet Set

So you've argued with your house mate. Now every time you go to make a cup of tea you are confronted with the cheesy group photo adorning the fridge door, fighting the impulse to scribble all over their stupid, smirking face! Now, you can let out all of your frustrations without permanently damaging your photos (or friendships), with these funny In Disguise Magnets. The effects aren't as lasting than those of a marker, which means that the ‘adjustments’ only have to last as long as your argument does.

moustache magnet set

Glow in the Dark Moustache Face Tattoo

They’re moustaches. They glow in the dark. Need we say more? This temporary tattoo set would make a great stocking filler or secret Santa gift, and would be a fun addition to festivals and nights out.

moustache temporary face tattoos

I’m a T**t Mug

The perfect gift for that special, irritating person in your life. With a hidden message that's only visible when the owner decides to take a sip, the impact depends upon how perceptive your friend is, and how cruel you are…

Twat mug

We speak for burgeoning alcoholics everywhere when we express just how uncomfortable it is to hold a freezing cold beer (we know, we know, first world problems). After a while, your hand practically becomes frozen solid, and all you can do is sit there and remember all the good times you had when your hand wasn't so numb. Of course, you could just wait for it to warm up a bit, but who wants to drink a warm beer? Not us!

With The Fist Beer Cooler, you no longer have to struggle with this dilemma.

As you can see, beer cans fit perfectly into the huge fist, and it will keep your drink extra-chilly for whenever you fancy a little slurp.

All you have to do is slide your arm into the fist - it couldn't be easier. The Fist also works quite well as a boxing glove (although that's not what it was made for, and we certainly aren't recommending that you use it as such!)

Oh, and just when you thought The Fist beer cooler couldn't get any's now HALF PRICE! That's right - you can now get your hands on a First for a mere £7.50. Absolute bargain! 

So what you waiting for? Click here to purchase your very own Fist and prevent yourself from getting beer-related frostbite in future!
All posts tagged 'game of thrones'

We're EXTREMELY EXCITED here at Gadget Inspector HQ right now. Why? Because Game of Thrones is back in less than a week!

Everyone's favourite family-unfriendly fantasy show will return to UK screens on Monday the 25th of April. While you wait for the Season 6 premiere, why not fire up that awesome theme song and join us on a trip down memory lane as we revisit GoT's ten most shocking plot twists to date?

MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD, obviously. Don't read on unless you've watched the first 5 seasons of Game of Thrones.

Still here? Marvellous - let's get stuck in:

1. Ned loses his head
(S1E9, Baelor)

Eddard Stark confesses to a crime he didn't commit in the hope that King Joffrey Baratheon will show him mercy and allow him to live out his days as a member of the Night's Watch. To the horror of pretty much everyone present (not least Ned's daughter Sansa), he's executed anyway. In hindsight, it seems daft that 'Sean Bean dies' was a plot twist we failed to see coming. But how many other TV shows have killed off the hero (not to mention the biggest name on the cast list) within the first 10 episodes?

2. Renly literally can't escape the shadow of his big brother
(S2E5, The Ghost of Harrenhal)

 Season 2 of GoT was all about the War of the Five Kings, which saw a whole bunch of different people vying for control of/freedom from the Iron Throne. The first of those 'five kings' to bite the bullet was Renly Baratheon, who in The Ghost of Harrenhal was murdered by a shadow that looked suspiciously like his older brother Stannis. This moment was memorable not only because it featured the death of a fairly major character, but because it gave us a chilling glimpse of what Melisandre (Stannis's priestess/booty call) was capable of magicking up.

3. Need a hand, Jaime?
(S3E3, Walk of Punishment)

Jaime Lannister - who, until this point, has been hyped up as one of the top fighters in Westeros - is being held captive by a bunch of Northmen. One of them, Locke, decides that he's sick of hearing Ol' Jim talk about his daddy's riches, and so he cuts his hand off. As you do. Completely unexpected though this scene was, American rock band The Hold Steady popping up to play over the end credits immediately afterwards was even more so. A real 'WTF?' moment in every regard.

4. The Red Wedding
(S3E9, The Rains of Castamere)

Need we say more? 

5. Joffrey dies (and about time, too!)
(S4E2, The Lion and The Rose)

Westeros has never been short on nasty pieces of work, but from Season 1 onwards, Joffrey Baratheon was the GoT character that we all loved to hate. As main character after main character bit the dust, Joffrey - inexplicably and infuriatingly - remained unmurdered for a staggering thirty-one episodes. Then he made the rookie mistake of getting married, and naturally he was poisoned to death at the reception. Never has the death of a frightened teenage boy made so many people so happy.

6. Someone's got a crush on Oberyn Martell
(S4E8, The Mountain and The Viper)

Oh, Prince Oberyn. You were so close. We were all rooting for you - why couldn't you have stood just a little further away from that big Icelandic bodybuilder? Tyrion's hotly-anticipated trial by combat could have ended very differently, and for a moment there, it looked as if The Red Viper was going to pull it off; sadly, though, his Montoya-esque thirst for revenge got the better of him, and instead of a rousing victory we were treated to one of the most graphically gruesome deaths of the entire series (and let's face it, Westeros isn't exactly Smurf Village at the best of times).

7. Ygritte bows out
(S4E9, The Watchers on the Wall)

The penultimate episode of Season 4 was entirely dedicated to the epic battle between the wildlings and the Night's Watch that by this point had been brewing for a couple of seasons. Many characters were lost in the skirmish - some of them even had names! - but Ygritte 'You Knorr Nothin, Jon Snorr' McWildling is the one we've missed most since. The relationship between Jon and Ygritte had seemingly come to an abrupt end in the Season 3 finale when she put several arrows in him, yet it was somehow still kind of heartbreaking to see her dying in his arms (dying, ironically enough, of an arrow wound).

8. Winter finally comes
(S5E8, Hardhome)

Ned Stark was telling everyone that winter was coming way back in the Game of Thrones series premiere (named, appropriately enough, Winter is Coming). 47 episodes later, long after Ilyn Payne's sword turned Ned Stark into Head Stark, winter finally arrived. Yes, it was a long wait - there's a reason they're not called White Sprinters - but boy was this scene worth it. 20 solid minutes of swordplay, tension, and zombies, all capped by that spectacularly creepy bit where the Night's King (pictured above) silently commands the slain wildlings to rise from the dead and join his unholy, unhurried army. Yikes.

9. Stannis Baratheon: Worst Dad in Westeros
(S5E9, The Dance of Dragons)

If your fondness for Stannis Baratheon survived all of his previous crimes (see point 2), this was probably the point at which you threw up your hands and said 'yeah, I'm done with this guy'. Stannis, preparing an attack on Winterfell, is worried that the wintry weather and his men's exhaustion will cost him the fight against the Boltons. So what does he do? On the advice of Melisandre, he burns his daughter Shireen at the stake, watching stoically as she screams for a rescue that never comes. Of course, this gambit backfires completely - the sight of a dude roasting his own child unsurprisingly prompts a fair chunk of Stannis's army to leave, taking the horses with them and leading to a complete whitewash of a battle in the next episode, Mother's Mercy. We'd say 'good', but the winners of that battle were the Boltons, a family so nasty they make Stannis 'Father of the Year' Baratheon look like the good guy.

10. For the watch!
(S5E10, Mother's Mercy)

If there's one question that's been playing on every GoT fan's mind for the last 10 months, it's the one regarding whether or not Jon Snow is still alive. The Season 6 finale turned Ned Stark's bastard into something of a Schrödinger's cat (or Schrödinger's crow, if you will); we last saw Jon lying on the ground, bleeding profusely having just been stabbed by his Night's Watch colleagues and that kid who killed his ex-girlfriend. Jon has been one of the show's central characters since Season 1, so this is a contender for the most shocking plot twist yet...if he really is dead. We're still hoping that he isn't - either way, we'll find out for sure on Monday.

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The fifth season of Game of Thrones came to a jaw-dropping end last night, and so - being big fans of GoT - we at Gadget Inspector thought that now would be a good time to look back over the last ten weeks and pay tribute to the characters who met their deaths along the way.

Needless to say, there will be LOADS OF WHOPPING GREAT SPOILERS from here on out. If you haven't watched ALL of Season 5 yet, we recommend that you go elsewhere until you're all caught up. Maybe check out our beer pong department instead.

You have been warned!

In Memoriam: Gone, But Not Forgotten

Mance Rayder (S5E1, The Wars to Come)

Wait, who? The King Beyond The Wall.
How he died: Mercy-arrowed by Jon Snow moments before being burned to death by Melisandre
What we'll remember him for: Organising the epic attack on Castle Black that dominated Season 4's penultimate episode.

Mossador (S5E2, The House of Black and White)

Wait, who? A former slave in the city of Meereen. One of the many people freed by Daenerys Targaryen.
How he died: Executed by Daario Naharais.
What we'll remember him for: Murdering a Son of the Harpy who was awaiting trail, then getting beheaded for it.

Janos Slynt (S5E3, High Sparrow)

Wait, who? Commander of the City Watch. Later, a man of the Night's Watch.
How he died: Executed for insubordination by Jon Snow.
What we'll remember him for: Being a slippery, slimy piece of work to the very end.

Ser Barristan Selmy (S5E4, Sons of the Harpy)

Wait, who? A member of the Kingsguard in King's Landing. Then, a member of Daenerys's Queensguard.
How he died: Murdered by the Sons of the Harpy in Meereen.
What we'll remember him for: Being a total badass in spite of his advancing years.

Maester Aemon Targaryen (S5E7, The Gift)

Wait, who? Maester for the Night's Watch at Castle Black.
How he died: Natural causes (which is quite an achievement in the Game of Thrones universe!)
What we'll remember him for: Giving sage advice and casting the deciding vote that made Jon Snow Lord Commander.

Lord of Bones (S5E8, Hardhome)

Wait, who? Some crazy wildling.
How he died: Beaten to death by Tormund Giantsbane.
What we'll remember him for: His unique fashion sense.

Karsi (S5E8, Hardhome)

Wait, who? A wilding chieftainess.
How she died: Mauled by zombie children.
What we'll remember her for: Making an immediate impression with her leadership, plain-spoken attitude, and fighting skills. Then dying just as quickly. Damn you, Game of Thrones!

Princess Shireen Baratheon (S5E9, The Dance of Dragons)

Wait, who? Daughter of Stannis Baratheon. BFF of Ser Davos 'Onion Knight' Seaworth. The little girl with the scaly face.
How she died: Burned at the stake by Melisandre as her father looked on stoically.
What we'll remember her for: Being adorable and making us hate Stannis, who - stern though he was - really did seem like one of the good guys until his heel turn in The Dance of Dragons.

Hizdahr zo Loraq (S5E9, The Dance of Dragons)

Wait, who? An aristocrat from the city of Meereen. Dany's fiancé, until he went and died.
How he died: Stabbed by the Sons of the Harpy.
What we'll remember him for: Um...crying when he thought he was going to get eaten by a dragon? Not all that much, to be completely honest - he was kind of lame.

Queen Selyse Baratheon (S5E10, Mother's Mercy)

Wait, who? Stannis Baratheon's wife. Shireen Baratheon's mother. Crazy religious fanatic.
How she died: She hanged herself (presumably).
What we'll remember her for: Being a terrible mother who was ONLY TOO EAGER to burn Shireen to a crisp...up until the latter was tied to a pyre, at which point she realised it was a terrible idea and tried in vain to save the fruit of her bonkers loins. Jeez, make up your mind, Selyse!

Myranda (S5E10, Mother's Mercy)

Wait, who? Ramsay Bolton's nasty girlfriend.
How she died: Pushed off a battlement by Theon 'Reek' Greyjoy.
What we'll remember her for: Tormenting Sansa Stark, mostly.

Ser Meryn Trant (S5E10, Mother's Mercy)

Wait, who? Knight of the Kingsguard. Name #1 on Arya Stark's death list. Horrid, horrid man. 
How he died: Violently stabbed, eye-gouged, and throat-cut by Arya 'Faceless Man' Stark.
What we'll remember him for: Killing (?) Syrio Forel, beating up Sansa Stark, having a rather too young taste in women, being nasty ALL THE DAMN TIME.

Of course, there were lots of other apparent deaths in Mother's Mercy - Stannis Baratheon, Princess Myrcella, and (*sniff*) Jon Snow are all presumed dead, while it's not entirely clear what became of Sansa and Reek. That being said, we're cautious types here at Gadget Inspector, and we're refusing to list those people until the show confirms that they're really dead and gone.

Because, y'know...Jon can't really be dead, can he? CAN HE?!