To celebrate the beginning of this year’s annual tache-growing
month, we thought we would give you a definitive list of our favourite moustache
themed gifts and novelties. All of the following would make cool congratulatory
gestures for those participating in the Movemeber challenge, as well as great ideas for
Christmas gifts and stocking fillers.
Thabto Moustache Door
This moustache themed door mat is perfect for moustache enthusiasts
and hipsters alike. Place it outside your house to show your neighbours how
utterly cool and awesome you are….

Anchorman Wallet and
Moustache Set
If you’re worried that your movember effort is likely to
resemble the facial hair of an awkward teenager who hasn't discovered shaving
yet, don’t worry, we've got you covered! This Anchorman Wallet and Moustache
Set comes with a fake moustache that is as full and luscious as that of Ron
Burgundy himself.

In Disguise Magnet
So you've argued with your house mate. Now every time you go to
make a cup of tea you are confronted with the cheesy group photo adorning the
fridge door, fighting the impulse to scribble all over their stupid, smirking
face! Now, you can let out all of your frustrations without permanently damaging
your photos (or friendships), with these funny In Disguise Magnets. The effects aren't as lasting than those of a marker, which means that the ‘adjustments’ only have to last as
long as your argument does.

Glow in the Dark
Moustache Face Tattoo
They’re moustaches. They glow in the dark. Need we say more?
This temporary tattoo set would make a great stocking filler or secret Santa
gift, and would be a fun addition to festivals and nights out.

I’m a T**t Mug
The perfect gift for that special, irritating person in your
life. With a hidden message that's only visible when the owner decides to take a sip, the impact depends upon
how perceptive your friend is, and how cruel you are…