Proper personalised iPhone fun!

iPhones are all over the place nowadays, so if you want yours to stand out from the crowd then you might want to give it a bit of a makeover! You'll find loads of great ways to customise your iPhone here at Gadget Inspector, so if you want to put a bit of your personality into your go-to gadget, look no further. Your perfect personalised iPhone is only a click away!
Our iPhone accessories are all brilliantly original. A personalised iPhone should reflect your personality: the young at heart will love this Magic Drawing iPhone Case (perfect for idle doodling when you should be working), while photography with their iPhone clad in this vintage-looking Camera Case.
But if you want a properly personalised iPhone, you need to check out our Printable iPhone Skins. They allow you to design and print your very own personalised iPhone skin, which means that you can customise your iPhone with your favourite photo or a cool design you found online. The design software is easy to use, the skins don't leave any residue behind when you remove them, and you can even create a wallpaper for your iPhone that matches the skin you've created! If you really want to customise your iPhone, this is the way to do it - you can do literally anything you like with it!
Gadget Inspector's iPhone accessories range is the perfect way to create a personalised iPhone that's truly unique. Customise your iPhone today, and put a piece of yourself into your gadgetry!
Grab these awesome lolly sticks and pretend it's still summer!

Making homemade ice lollies is always a thrill, and that goes for children and adults alike. We love the fun of choosing what ingredients to use...the sense of anticipation as we add the lolly sticks and put them in to freeze...and the astonishment when we take them out and, by the mysterious magic of the fridge-freezer, they've turned into ice lollies. It's fun for all the family.
It's September now, of course, and you might well think that you and the kids have missed your chance for some fruity frozen fun. Think again! These Lolly Men lolly sticks are yet another fantastic addition to our catalogue, and making ice lollies with them is great fun no matter what time of year it is!
So crank up the thermostat, put on your flip-flops, and pretend it's still the middle of July. A few delicious ice lollies will make even the depths of winter seem summery, and these adorable lolly sticks are the perfect way of bringing your ice lollies to life!
The world is your soundsystem!

These colourful little balls might look delicious, but before you eat them, try plugging one into your MP3 player and putting it on top of an empty cardboard box. What looks like a gumball is in fact The Mighty Boom Ball, and if you've remembered to put the batteries in, you'll find that your box has been magically transformed into a great big cardboard speaker!
If it's hollow, the Boom Ball can turn it into a speaker. While bigger is generally better, this portable speaker can work with more or less anything - from a Coke can to a kitchen cupboard. The Boom Ball is great for portable music listening, obviously, but there's plenty of fun to be had just by trying it out on different objects and seeing which one makes the best sound system.
So get your music devices and cardboard boxes ready - The Mighty Boom Ball is available now from Gadget Inspector, and we're just waiting for your order. Great sound on the go is just a pair of AAA batteries away!
They float through the air with the greatest of ease...

Well, September has arrived and summer is on its last legs. But don't be sad - Gadget Inspector is here to steer you away from the autumn blues! We've already got plenty of cool stuff with which to cheer you up, but pretty soon we'll be adding a whole lot more.
And of all the awesome new items coming your away this autumn, it's the Air Swimmers that we're most excited about. You may already be familiar with our Shark and Clown Fish Air Swimmers, and if you liked them then you'll love their new friends.
The Air Swimmers Piranha is the first new addition to the family, and a right menacing young man he is too. But, as cool as the Piranha is, it's the Angry Birds Air Swimmers that have really got us excited. Fans of mobile gaming and puzzle-based avian mischief are sure to go nuts for these furious flying fellas, and if you get some planks of wood together you can even build a tower and re-create the best-selling game, crashing your floaty friend into your makeshift skyscraper and knocking it to the ground.
These new Air Swimmers products will be coming out in November, but you can pre-order them now. Just go to your chosen product's page and sign up for the email alert. Still, if you can't wait that long, we've got the Shark and the Clown Fish to tide you over. Go to our Air Swimmers page and have some fishy fun!
We've got all kinds of fun stuff here at Gadget Inspector, so grab yourself some new toys!

We sell a lot of things here at Gadget Inspector. Our products can boost your fitness, help you relax, protect your iPad, brighten up your home, and all sorts of other things you wouldn't expect a gadget shop to be any good at. But Gadget Inspector's main purpose - our raison d’être, if you will – is to help you have fun. And that’s what most of our products are geared towards; whether you’re young, old, or somewhere in between, you sure to find loads of fun stuff here on our wonderful website.
Even a cursory glance at our range will yield such treasures as the remote controlled Flying Shark and the jaw-dropping 6 Man Beer Bong. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find even more fun stuff, including Water Guns and much, much more.
And our range of fun stuff is only going to get bigger. In the past week alone we’ve added the puzzle-tastic iCube and the brilliant Off The Wall Alarm Clock, so keep checking back and make sure you stay abreast of all the latest developments in the field of fun stuff. In the meantime, get looking, and have fun!