Man, Tuesdays are the worst, right? At least you can spend Monday talking about what you did over the weekend - Tuesday is just a no man's land, lightyears from the warm embrace of Friday.
But we at Gadget Inspector want to change your attitude towards The Lamest Day of the Week. It's time to stop seeing Tuesday as a thankless slog when it's really the PERFECT TIME TO START PREPARING FOR THE WEEKEND. Think about it - The Perfect Weekend doesn't just happen without a bit of forward planning. As Confucius once said:
"He who waits 'til Friday lunchtime to make plans for Friday night will end up spending Friday in his jammies, watching old Simpsons episodes on his own."
- Confucius, probably
However, the man who starts planning his weekend on Tuesday is pretty much guaranteed to have the time of his life. Conveniently enough, we've just added a bunch of new drinking accessories to the Gadget Inspector catalogue - why not start with these, and take it from there?
Yard of Ale Glass
Drink a whole yard of ale and find out whether you're a 'Wimp' or a 'Solid Legend'. What better way to kick off your weekend?
Chemistry Shot Glasses
If you're gonna do shots, you might as well do 'em from miniature lab beakers. Oh, and if you want the full set of scientific drinking paraphernalia, check this out...
Erlenmeyer Flask Decanter
It's the perfect way for science boffins to store their wines and spirits!
Manly Bar Tools
If the party is happening at your house this Friday, somebody's bound to ask you for a bottle opener at some point. How cool will you feel when you hand them a bottle opener that's shaped like a HAMMER?
LED Bar Caddy
We've saved the best 'til last - this revolving drinks caddy has room for 4 different bottles, and it lights up when you pour, AND it's spring-loaded to give a perfect 1.5oz shot without any effort on your part! How awesome is that?
We hope that's given you a few good ideas for the coming weekend. And next time you come down with a case of The Tuesday Blues, remember: you're never more than 120 hours from the next weekend!