As November draws to a close, the time came for us to announce the winners of our Movember competition. Throughout November we've been encouraging you crazy lot to 'show us your mo' and 'tweet us your tasche' to win prizes and show your support for a great cause, and we've been inundated with awesome moustache pics from all over the country. It was so hard for us to choose the best three, and if we could we'd send you all a moustache-themed-prize!
We started by shortlisting our mo-compers before choosing the final three, but we'd like to thank everyone for entering once again and you should all give yourselves a pat on the back for supporting such a worthy cause. The winner that stood out to us and will be winning the main moustache prize is the majestic @wokkiemills - that pose is unbelievable and inspiring - plus you've got one hell of a tasche going on there. Our two runners up who will also be receiving moustache prizes are @vicyd4v3 - your arts and crafts abilities would have Neil Buchanan quaking in his boots! And @amygonzalez5 - for making the whole office go awwwww at how adorable your family is!
The other 6 we've shortlisted - you made cracking attempts and we just thought we'd add you to the picture to show our appreciation.
So congratulations to our lucky winners, thanks to everyone who entered and keep your eyes peeled for more awesome Gadget Inspector competitions coming soon. In the meantime, may the mo be with you.