With a mere 149 days to go until the Minions movie is released (149 days, you guys!), excitement is running high here at Gadget Inspector HQ. So high, in fact, that we've decided to indulge you all in a minion-themed deal to make the wait for the movie that little bit more bearable.
So here's the deal: if you purchase an
RC Talking Minion from Gadget Inspector, we'll throw in not one but TWO
Despicable Me Masks absolutely FREE! Not only will you get to play with your very own minion, you'll also get to
look like a minion while you do so!
Bear in mind, though, that our talking minions are selling like HOTCAKES right now. You may not have long left to take advantage of this offer, so
click here and purchase your own minion now, before we run out!