Here at Gadget Inspector we love gadgets (unsurprisingly) and can often be found testing out and racing the exciting new RC products which come into the office. Click here if you don’t believe us! Remote Control cars are some of the most fun gadgets we stock – so imagine our excitement when we got invited to the launch of Formula Dragon, a motor sport competition open to the general public of Wales!
The invitation came as no surprise because Gadget Inspector is lucky enough to be one of Formula Dragon’s sponsors, and here’s why. Formula Dragon is a competition which is open to every resident of Wales aged between 16 and 50 with the end goal of providing opportunities for members of the public to be mechanics, technicians or racing drivers within three levels of UK motor racing. Run by SVG Promotions Limited, the experts behind TV series “So You Want to Be an F1 Driver” aired on Channel Five, Sky Sports and ITV’s Men and Motors, this competition seeks to provide real opportunities to make motor racing accessible to the people of Wales. The successful competitors will compete in the British Touring Car Championship supported by a Welsh team.
Gadget Inspector is delighted to be backing such an exciting opportunity to get Wales into motor sport and think the opportunity to make such a niche and traditionally expensive sport accessible to everyone is wonderful. We’re hoping to pop along to future Formula Dragon events with some gadget goodies and perhaps do some racing of our own (with RC cars of course!)
We had a great day at the launch, saw some wonderful cars and spoke to some really interesting people. We’ve got high hopes for Formula Dragon and we’re excited to see where the future is heading as a part of this project. Watch your back Lewis Hamilton because Welsh drivers are coming for you!