We got a huge shipment of new stock in yesterday, mostly consisting of beer bongs, drinking accessories, and party stuff. We were thrilled, as we always are when this sort of thing turns up on our doorstep, but the one thing that has us really excited is the arrival of a certain six-man beer bong.
That's right, folks, Bongzilla is back! This leviathan among beer bongs - the glimmering jewel in the crown of our Party/Drinking section - is a bit of a favourite here at the GI office, and not just because it was one of our best-selling items last time around. You probably won't be surprised to learn that us gadgeteers enjoy the occasional drink every now and then, but Bongzilla is the one drinking product that puts us to shame - the 6 Man Beer Bong Challenge is a surprisingly tough one to conquer!
If you fancy tackling Bongzilla with your pals next Friday night, here's what you have to do:
- Buy a Bongzilla beer bong from the Gadget Inspector website
- Grab five friends who like the odd drink
- Fill Bongzilla's funnel up with your favourite lager, grab a tube each, and get chugging!
If the six of you manage to deplete Bongzilla's beer reservoir without gagging or falling over, then congratulations - you are made of stronger stuff than we are!