Our most unique items yet!

Say hello to Space Rails, perhaps the most unique items we stock and certainly one of the more original toys we've ever seen!
They look complicated, but the idea behind them is actually quite simple: they're rollercoasters. Little rollercoasters for steel balls. The balls go up the little motorised elevator, and when they get to the top they go down the rails, navigating all sorts of twists, turns, loops on their way to the bottom. You don't even have to pick them up at the end, because once they've gone down the coaster, they'll end up back in the elevator, ready for another go!
These unique items are great fun for adults and children alike; all will be mesmerised by the ball's death-defying journey. We've got a couple of Space Rails for you to get your hands on (one of which glows in the dark!) and we might well be getting some more of these unique items in soon, so watch this space!