We love our remote control helicopters here at Gadget Inspector, and while we do have a couple of straightforward, meat 'n' potatoes choppers available, we feel that the best remote control helicopters are the ones that are a little bit different.
Take our new Remote Control Spy Helicopter, for example. It looks much the same as our other remote control helicopters, but as the name suggests, it's hiding a sneaky ace up its sleeve. The video camera allows you to watch yourjourney from the chopper's point of view, and while getting a copter's-eye view of things is pretty cool in itself, we're sure you've all spotted the helicopter's potential for spying on people. We don't condone that sort of behaviour, but we do agree that it would be pretty funny.
Elsewhere in our Remote Control Helicopters range you'll find the Micro Helicopter (not much larger than a 50p piece), the Water Blaster Helicopter (does pretty much what it says on the tin), and the Quadrocopter (because four propellors are better than one). So grab yourself a chopper today, and push the boundaries of what remote control helicopters can do!