Of all the great gadgets available here at Gadget Inspector, the SmartSafes might well be our favourites. Not only are they cool and unique gadgets in themselves, but they’re great for keeping your valuables (including your other gadgets) safe and secure.
And it gets better, especially if you’re a big fan of Doctor Who. Our Doctor Who Safe is designed to look just like the Tardis, and while it’s not exactly bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, the Doctor Who Safe does have a detailed interior design that’s painstakingly modelled on the ‘real’ Tardis that you’ve seen on TV.
To use the Doctor Who Safe (or any other SmartSafe) you’ll need a smartphone. If you’ve got one of those, you simply need to download the SmartSafe app to your phone and choose a four-digit code for your safe. From there, you’ll only be able to open your safe by plugging in your phone and typing in the code. Which is great fun, because the Doctor Who Safe lights up and makes the classic Tardis take-off noise when your phone is plugged in.
The Tardis SmartSafe will make a great present for Who fans this Christmas, and this week only, you can get it for just £19.99! It'll look great on their windowsill, and if they’re constantly losing things, then the Doctor Who Safe will be the perfect way for them to keep those things...well, safe. Get yours today!