Jedi stuff for masters and padawans alike!

Star Wars is still one of our favourite film franchises here at Gadget Inspector, which should go some way to explaining why we've got so many Star Wars gadgets on our website. Still, we'd like to think that Star Wars gadgets are exactly what the people want, so if you fancy getting your mitts on some cool Jedi stuff, you're in the right place!
Star Wars Off The Wall Alarm Clock
Start your day the Jedi way with this bouncy ball of timekeeping fun! If you've ever wanted to smash your alarm clock against the wall when it wakes you up in the morning, you'll love this particular clock - you turn off the alarm by throwing the ball against a wall. Fun, eh? Jedi stuff is the coolest stuff.
Jedi Robe
Once you've hauled yourself out of bed, it's time to get dressed for the day. Everyone knows that true Jedi knights wear proper hooded robes, and fortunately our range of Jedi stuff includes just such a thing. It's sure to make you look just like the Jedi masters you idolise, and it's nice and warm and snuggly, too.
Star Wars Lightsaber Bottle Opener
And when the day is done and you've finished going about your Jedi business, there's always time to kick back and relax with a cold one. You're probably aware that the Jedi code doesn't allow you to use your lightsaber for anything as frivolous as opening a beer, but fortunately our pile of Jedi stuff has thrown up this lightsaber bottle opener that works just as well.
That's just the tip of the Jedi stuff iceberg - we've got loads of other great gadgets kicking around the website, so check out our Star Wars range now and may the force be with you!