Wednesday gets kind of a bad rap, y'know? Everybody calls it 'Hump Day' because it's slap-bang in the middle of the week; once you're past 'Hump Day', you're freewheeling downhill into the tender embrace of the weekend.

But frankly, we've always found Thursday to be far more hump-like than Wednesday. When you wake up on Wednesday, you think, "Oh, wow, it's Wednesday already!" When you wake up on Thursday, you just want to know why it isn't Friday yet. Wednesday feels like progress; Thursday feels like a delay.

Still, no matter which day you call Hump Day, there's never any harm in a bit of forward planning. If the weekend starts at 5pm on Friday, then the weekend is barely two days away, and so now is the perfect time to start thinking about how you're going to spend it.

Here are some suggestions...

3 Things You'll Need This Weekend

1. American-Style Beer Pong Set

2. Bongzilla (6 Man Beer Bong)

3. Test Tube Shots

There are plenty of other amazing weekend essentials in our Party & Drinking section!

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Family Fun from Gadget Inspector

If you're having the family 'round to stay this Christmas, it might be worth investing in a few toys and games to keep everyone happy while they wait for presents and turkey. Fortunately, this is the Gadget Inspector website, and fab family fun is never more than a couple of clicks away!

Winter is never a great time of year for going outdoors, but with terrific Toys and Games from Gadget Inspector, you can keep the family fun going even when the weather is unspeakable. We've got loads of cool things for families to do together this Christmas, so don't let this December be a dull one - grab some cool stuff today and have some fun!

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