Does your job bore you to tears? Perhaps a couple of cool desk gadgets would make those long working days a little more bearable! We’re all about distractions here at Gadget Inspector, and if you’ve got nothing play, fiddle and fidget with when you’re supposed to be doing something productive, boy can we help. We’ve got all kinds of desk gadgets and fun little toys to keep your idle hands occupied, so we hope your boss won’t mind a big dip in your productivity over the next few weeks...
Brand new to Gadget Inspector is the awesomely Pinart 3D Image. You’ve probably seen these delicious desk gadgets before; they’re basically a screen of small pins into which you press objects or body parts to create a 3D relief image to proudly display on your desk. Hands and faces are popular choices – pressing your palms into that screen of sliding pins is a lovely sensation. Just try to resist it!
Elsewhere in our range of desk gadgets you’ll find the equally brand new Newton’s Cradle, where science meets style in a clattering collision of procrastination. The sound of those little silver balls clacking against each other can be surprisingly compelling, so grab one today and put Newton’s Laws of Motion to the test! Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, don’t cha know, and sure enough, the number of balls you lift up to start the reaction will be equal to the number of spheres that gets knocked away from the row on the other side. One ball knocks one ball away, two balls knock away two, and so on. Who knew desk gadgets could be so educational?