If you're a gadget lover like us, there's a good chance you're going to own some sort of Apple product. It might be an iPhone, an iPad or even something else with the 'i' prefix. We're also sure that if you're anything like us, you're a little bit clumsy and need to be a bit more protective than the average joe.
After all, you've spent a mint on your gadgets, so it makes sense to get hold of a decent gadget protector or case!
Luckily here at gadget inspector we've got a decent selection to choose from, and there's no need to break the bank either.
First up, there's the Star Wars Stormtrooper iPhone 4 case. Perfect for Star Wars fans everywhere, the nifty silicone case gives your precious iPhone all the protection one could need, courtesy of a stonkin' big Stormtrooper helment. There's even a larger version in the shape of the Star Wars Stormtrooper iPad case. These aren't the droids you're looking for...
If however you're looking for something a bit more heavy duty, gadget inspector's got some ballz to offer up. iBallz, that is. The iBallz Lid Folding Sleeve for iPad is a case designed to cater for the careful clutz. It's got a plush faux-fur lining to keep your gadget free from dirty marks, and a tough nylon weave exterior with a velcro fastener for protection. It also leaves space to combine with the iBallz Original Shock Absorbing Harness. This badboy has your corner covered, with an elastic fastened shock absorber on each edge of the iPad. It also keeps the gadget elevated from any surface to guard against any spills and dirt (not that we're suggesting there's dirt on your desk).
All these gadgets can be found on the website www.gadgetinspector.co.uk, or just click the links above if you're already here. You don't have to break the bank to get even more out of your Apple products!

Christmas may be wrapped up, but winter doesn't end on the 26th of December. We've got a cold couple of months still to contend with, and having a hot drink close at hand can make all the difference.
That's why, when you're fighting the post-Christmas, pre-springtime blues, this USB Mug Warmer should be your weapon of choice. Simply plug the mug warmer into your computer's USB port and stick your mug on top - the mug warmer will warm your drink to a temperature of around 50 degrees Celsius, keeping your tea toasty and your coffee cosy!
Oh, and did we mention the fact that it's shaped like a giant cookie? Because that's another reason why no desktop should be without the Hot Cookie Mug Warmer this January. It looks good enough to eat, although we don't recommend dipping it in your tea.

Of all the great gadgets available here at Gadget Inspector, the SmartSafes might well be our favourites. Not only are they cool and unique gadgets in themselves, but they’re great for keeping your valuables (including your other gadgets) safe and secure.
And it gets better, especially if you’re a big fan of Doctor Who. Our Doctor Who Safe is designed to look just like the Tardis, and while it’s not exactly bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, the Doctor Who Safe does have a detailed interior design that’s painstakingly modelled on the ‘real’ Tardis that you’ve seen on TV.
To use the Doctor Who Safe (or any other SmartSafe) you’ll need a smartphone. If you’ve got one of those, you simply need to download the SmartSafe app to your phone and choose a four-digit code for your safe. From there, you’ll only be able to open your safe by plugging in your phone and typing in the code. Which is great fun, because the Doctor Who Safe lights up and makes the classic Tardis take-off noise when your phone is plugged in.
The Tardis SmartSafe will make a great present for Who fans this Christmas, and this week only, you can get it for just £19.99! It'll look great on their windowsill, and if they’re constantly losing things, then the Doctor Who Safe will be the perfect way for them to keep those things...well, safe. Get yours today!

Our gadget website is packed with R2D2 gadgets. Slowly but surely they've been piling up, and now we've got more R2D2 gadgets than we know what to do with.
Gadget Inspector's obsession with the Star Wars franchise is well-documented, but as much as we love Han, Luke, Leia and the others, R2 will always be our favourite character. Just look at him - how could anyone resist the cute little guy?
So do forgive the site if it's a little heavy on the R2D2 gadgets. They are all awesome, mind - from the Inflatable Remote Control R2D2 robot to the brand new R2D2 Cookie Jar, we've got everything the modern R2 addict could ask for.

The Micro Drone Quadrocopter is an amazingly agile remote control helicopter that offers unprecedented stability, superb speed, and an all-around awesome remote control experience. It can even perform 360 degree somersaults at the push of a button! Interested? Well the quadrocopter isn't just a fun remote control toy - there are plenty of other things you can do with it too. Here are the first ten we thought of:
(N.B. Gadget Inspector will not be held responsible for any damage that you, your quadrocopter, or anything else sustains while following the advice of this silly list.)
- Put the micro drone between two slices of bread, serve it to a friend under the pretence of making them a tasty sandwich, and give them a shock by making the drone fly away when they're about to take a bite.
- Place a small action figure on top of the quadrocopter, fly up to a reasonable height, and perform a flip to toss your brave hero into Felix Baumgartner-esque freefall.
- Hover your micro drone as close to your friend's head as you can while simultaneously dodging their increasingly irritated attempts to swat it away.
- Find a decent-sized pond and see if you can make your quadrocopter 'hop' from lily pad to lily pad without getting it wet.
- Fly it into the wall.
- Use some string to tie a £20 note to your micro drone. Leave it in a public place (conceal the drone as best you can) and lie in wait for someone to spot the money. When they try to pick it up, make the drone fly away, cash in tow.
- Wear it as a jaunty and futuristic-looking hat.
- Fit your quadrocopter with some sort of laser-based firearm and use this agile, airborne weapon to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
- Hold the micro drone above your head and get your friend (if you still have one) to man the controls. All being well, you should take flight; if you don't, it probably means that you need to lose some weight.
- Fly it around like some kind of cool remote control helicopter.
Purchase your very own Micro Drone Quadrocopter from Gadget Inspector now!
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