A superhero costume or two would certainly win our vote!

If you've been following the flow of American election action this autumn, you won't need us to tell you that the second big presidential debate took place last night. Obama and Romney went in all guns blazing, and while they both made some good points, we can't help but feel like there's one man who could easily clean up at any presidential debate if he'd only bother to run.
As you've probably guessed from that resplendent superhero costume up there. we're talking about Captain America. Dragging a fictional super-soldier into the presidential debate discussion might seem like a bit of a leap, but when you think about it, he's a shoe-in: a patriotic do-gooder who's muscular enough to get physically involved in protecting his country if he needs to. And most importanly (at least where the presidential debate is concerned), he's loaded with irresistible charisma!
Frankly, we think a superhero costume would do wonders for the images of Obama and Romney alike. Captain America is the obvious choice, but any superhero costume would do: Iron Man, Thor and Batman would all make pretty good leaders if you ask us. Obama is rumoured to be something of a comic book geek, so surely he sees that every presidential debate, and indeed election, would be his for the taking if he donned a superhero costume and embraced that Captain America spirit?
Need a Halloween costume now? Why not take one of our Marvel costumes for a spin?

You'll not have failed to notice that Halloween is only a couple of weeks away, which means you're running out of time to sort out your cool Halloween costume. If you're still struggling to find one at this stage of the game, you might well need a hero to come and help out. Fortunately, 'Hero' is Gadget Inspector's middle name!
We've recently added a bunch of magnificent Marvel Costumes to our range, which is great news for any comic book nerds who want to imitate their favourite heroes. Iron Man is here, as are his avenging allies Captain America and Thor, so all you have to do is pick your favourite! Of course, no set of Marvel costumes would be complete without everyone's favourite red and blue webslinger, so we made sure we included a Spider-Man costume too. Our Marvel costumes won't actually give you the powers of the superhero you're dressed as - you'll have to find a radioactive spider/experimental super serum/thunder-controlling hammer of the gods on your own -but you'll certainly look the part.
With The Avengers still fresh in the memory of moviegoers everywhere, Marvel costumes are set to be the big hit of this Halloween, so don't miss out - check out Gadget Hero Inspector's radical range of Marvel costumes now.
Get your Halloween fancy dress sorted out early!

It's the first of October, which means that Halloween night is just 30 short days away! Some people won't even start thinking about their Halloween costumes for another three or four weeks, but we're better than those bone-idle layabouts, arent we? We know that the best Halloween costumes take some forward planning, so sort out your outfit well in advance with Gadget Inspector's Clothing & Costumes section!
We've got Halloween costumes for men, women and children, so whether you need some Halloween fancy dress stuff for yourself or for your kids, we've got you covered. All the classic Halloween characters are here, from Dracula to Frankenstein, but if you want something a bit more original than the usual ghosts and ghouls, we've got loads of wackier Halloween costumes too. Why not hit the Halloween party dressed as a Demonic King or a Zombie Lollipop Lady? We've got loads of original Halloween fancy dress ideas, so check them out and feed the darker bits of your imagination!
Our Clothing & Costumes section is full of fancy dress costumes for men, women, boys and girls, but our scariest Halloween costumes are found in the Seasonal sections.
All sorts of outfits for any occasion!

We reckon that every party should be a fancy dress party! We've got a shedload of fun fancy dress costumes for you to check out, so if you're going to a party and you need some seriously cool costume ideas, Gadget Inspector is the place to be!
We've got a range of wonderfully fun fancy dress costumes for men, women and children alike. Choose from classic costume themes like cowboys and clowns, or dress up as terrific TV characters like He-Man and the Cookie Monster! And if you want something really original, see our Jokes and Novelty section - our cool costume ideas are sure to raise a few eyebrows!
All of our fun fancy dress stuff can be found in our Clothing & Costumes section, so stick with Gadget Inspector and you'll never be stuck for cool costume ideas again!
We've got some amazing superhero costumes here at Gadget Inspector, including Superman Costumes, Batman Costumes & even a Hell Boy Costume.
However there is always one superhero costume that will stand out from the rest and that costume for us is the amazing superhero.. "Batman - The Dark Knight Rises". Run around the streets of Gotham fighting crime in the fabulous looking black suit.... or you could just go to a party and pretend to be Batman! One thing's for sure, you'll have the best costume at the party!
If you’re not into the serious Dark Knight Batman then perhaps you could go as retro batman and get the Batman "The Brave and the Bold" costume!
There's one thing you’re going to need with any of these Batman super heroe costumes, and that is your badass side kick and boy wonder Robin. With the Dynamic Duo costumes you'll be ready to fight any crime in your city, of course you would first need years of training so maybe you could just wear them to charity events or fancy dress costume parties, just while you're training of course!.
Don't worries ladies we know that you are superheros too, which is why we also sell a range of the female Batgirl costumes as well as female Robin costumes.
Don't delay, get your Batman and Robin costumes here at Gadget Inspector..