We've got quite a few awesome maze gadgets here at Gadget Inspector (as displayed in the image above), but they're small beans compared to these three goliaths...

1. Carnfunnock Country Park Maze, Northern Ireland
This one won a maze design award (who even knew that such things existed?) It's shaped like Northern Ireland. Can't you tell?
2. Dole Plantation Maze, Hawaii
Supposedly the biggest maze in Christendom, with a great big pineapple at its centre. What's not to love?
3. Reignac-sur-Indre Maze, France
This one's nice because it has sunflowers. Only at certain times of year, mind - it's a much better maze in the summertime than in winter.
We've got a bunch of the best bathroom stuff on the internet!

We've talked before about gadgets for the office, and we've also covered kitchen gadgets, but one subject we haven't touched upon yet is bathroom stuff. The average person spends over seven days a year in the smallest room, so why not kit out your restroom with some cool bathroom stuff to keep you occupied while you're in there?
Let's say you want to have a shave. You head to the bathroom and pick up your razor, only to discover that the blade has started to go dull. Dang it! You only changed it a couple of days ago! If only you had Gadget Inspector's RazorPit - it sharpens your razor and cleans residue from the blade, giving you that new blade feeling every time you use it.
To recover from your rather uncomfortable shave, you decide to hop in the shower. But you get bored easily, and your shower is a blimmin' tedious place to be. Perhaps some brilliant bathroom stuff might brighten it up? Make a note to purchase a Word Search Shower Curtain from Gadget Inspector as soon as you're dry.
As you climb out of the shower, eager to hit the internet and buy some bathroom stuff, you notice that your toilet could use a scrub. You pick up the toilet brush and get stuck in, reflecting on the fact that a Wine Bottle Toilet Brush would make this repulsive chore slightly more tolerable.
If you've got a boring bathroom, check out Gadget Inspector's selection of Bathroom Stuff now, and brighten that baby up!

Here at Gadget Inspector, we've got loads of cool gadgets and gifts that you won't be able to pass up! If you need gifts for friends, gifts for family, or just a little something for yourself, Gadget Insector has got something for you!
We've got more cool gadgets that you could possibly imagine, so what are you waiting for? Whether you want a new iPad case or a set of bike indicators, we've got what you're after right here. We stock all sorts of cool gadgets for men, women, and children, so jump in and explore our vast range of gadgets and gifts right now!
We will soon be launching a new competition so make sure you keep on the look out :D