Notice anything different about us today? Nope, it's not a new haircut - it's a whole new design!
We recently decided that the Gadget Inspector website needed a new coat of paint, and that's exactly what we've given it. As much as we loved our old orange look (may it rest in peace)...

...time marches on, and we want a website that's sleek and modern and hip. You know, like our customers!

As you can see, we've packed this slick new website with dozens of colourful images. These pretty pictures aren't just there to look good - they're here to demonstrate how awesome our gadgets are, and how they could enrich your life.
So...what do you think? Whether you love it or loathe it, we want YOUR feedback on our new website, and we want it now! Here are some of the ways in which you can make your thoughts known:
Gadget Inspector on Twitter // Gadget Inspector on Facebook
Gadget Inspector on Google+
And don't worry if our stunning new site has left you speechless - we've prepared for that eventuality. Simply copy 'n' paste one of the following pre-written responses into your preferred social media app:
- The new Gadget Inspector website looks so good that all other human endeavour looks like a pile of pants by comparison.
- Who was responsible for the new Gadget Inspector design? I need a new theme for my LiveJournal and I love what you guys have going on!
- I never want to stop looking at the new Gadget Inspector website. Even the sight of my own children now fills me with melancholy, for their smiling faces contain not a fraction of Gadget Inspector's newfound beauty.
- Is it possible for a human being to love a website? When it looks as good as GadgetInspector.co.uk now does...yes, I think it is.
- Please may I have a framed copy of the new Gadget Inspector homepage for my bedroom wall? I want it to be the first thing I see when I wake up, and the last thing I see before I go to bed.
- To whom it may concern: I am writing to complain about the new Gadget Inspector website, which is so attractive that I got pregnant just looking at it.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Click here to enter!
We love a competition here at Gadget Inspector. It's been quite a while since the last time we gave away a prize, and with the school holidays just around the corner, we decided that this was a great time to do it!
That's why we're giving away a Bladez Water Blaster to one lucky winner. This is a nifty RC helicopter with a secret weapon: a built-in water gun! It's great fun for kids and adults alike, and with this summer set to be one of the hottest on record, the Water Blaster could be a great way to cool off!
How to Enter:
The competition ends at 12 noon on Friday the 19th of July, which gives you just under two weeks to enter. We'll choose a winner at random from all the entries we received - don't miss out!

Get your entry in now and cross your fingers! In the meantime, here are some facts about the Water Blaster:
- Contents: helicopter, controller, USB charger, spare blades, pipette
- Includes boost button for an extra burst of speed!
- Cool blue/black/yellow design
- LED lights
- Charge time: 50mins (approx.)
- Flight time: 8mins (approx.)
If you like the look of this awesome RC helicopter, remember - we're currently having a MASSIVE 25% OFF SALE on ALL remote control toys and gadgets!

World Book Day isn't that far off, and before we know it, it will be upon us. So before March 6th, make sure you've got the kids fancy dress costumes sorted. This event is the perfect opportunity to really get them into reading. In this day and age, where technology takes presidence over everything else, it is really important that we encourage the children of this generation to read. Kids love fancy dress, so this is a pretty good place to start! We have compiled some awesome costumes for you to have a quick glance at, perfect for those of you in a rush! Each costume is often featured as a character in many children's books, making them the perfect choices for World Book Day.
- Pirate Girl Costume - perfect for those girls who love a pirate book!
- Medieval Maiden Costume - if your daughter loves to read about history then this is the perfect costume to encourage her interest in history.
- Kiddy King Costume - a must have for that son of yours who thinks he's a king! There are tons of books that feature Kings, they're a very popular choice.
- Royal Princess Costume - every girl loves to dress up as a princess, and now this is the perfect opportunity!
- Victorian Poor Peasant Boy - lerning about the Victorian times is so interesting, so make sure that son of yours gets involved with this costume.
- Where's Wally Costume - everyone at some point has had a glance or two at a Where's Wally book! It is a very popular and well known costume for anyone to wear.
Encourage your kids to get involved with World Book Day this March, once they start a passion for reading, it will stay with them for years to come!
Valentine's Day is, once again, just around the corner. Make sure you've got your gifts sorted ahead of the big day! We've come up with a few suggestions we think you, and your date will love! So there is no need to stress about what to buy this year.
- Fever Boutique Sailor Costume - Why not go all out and buy this either for your partner to wear for you, or to wear for your partner. Either way, you're both going to love it!
- Chunky Wooden Puzzle - Star - If your date has a love for puzzles, this is the perfect gift to give! There is nothing more thoughtful than getting something that shows that you listen and take an interest in their interests. Of course you've still got to buy flowers or something else to go with it, but we think that this puzzle would go down a treat with the right person.
- Crystal Wish Flower - This is another thoughtful gift to give, and something that will remind your date of you every time they set eyes on it. Not only do these wish flower's hold messages, but they give you the opportunity to grow your very own wish flower! It makes a lovely decoration, and is sure to go down a treat.
- Wireless Speaker - Does your date love their music, especially listening to it on the go? This may not be the most traditional Valentine's gift to give, but it's great if you know that they'll love it!
We have tons of other gadgets that would and could be perfect for your date, check them out here. There is nothing more romantic than showing your date how well you know them, and how you take an interest in their interersts. You'll definitely impress if you stick to these rules!
#AmericansvsBritish is currently trending on Twitter. There have been plenty of good arguments from both sides - not to mention all kinds of colourful insults - but we at Gadget Inspector thought we'd put the whole issue to bed in one fell swoop. Let's compare what these two great nations have to offer:
- Size
Well, America obviously wins this one. According to Google, the USA boasts an area of over 9.8 million square kilometres - that's more than forty times the size of Great Britain. USA 1-0 UK
- Age
The Brits get the point here. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was founded in 1707 (although its constituent countries are obviously much older); the Americans won their independence in 1776, so we've got about seventy years on the Yanks. USA 1-1 UK
- Famous Inventions
British people gave us telephones, televisions, and the World Wide Web - three cornerstones of modern society. Americans gave us the beach ball. Point goes to the UK. What's that? Thomas Edison? Yeah, but even he needed help from an Englishman. USA 1-2 UK
- Celebrities
It's hard to argue with America here. The website mostfamousperson.net (which lists the 100 most famous people in the world) currently has Michael Jackson at #1, followed by Lady Gaga. Both American, sadly. The most famous Brit is Robert Pattinson of Twilight, who ranks at #23 on the MFP list. USA 2-2 UK
- Movies
You might think that the Americans have this one sewn up, and...well, you'd be right. The highest-grossing movie of 2013 was Iron Man 3, directed by an American and starring two Americans. We could argue that British cinema is better, but you can't argue with numbers. USA 3-2 UK
- Music
One Direction are British, and everyone loves them, so we're gonna go ahead and give this point to the UK. USA 3-3 UK
- Food & Drink
Cheeseburgers and beer? Or Sunday lunch and a cup of tea? We know which option we'd take. USA 3-4 UK
- TV
If you believe IMDb, the most popular TV series of all is currently Game of Thrones. It's hard to decide who gets the credit there - the programme airs on HBO (an American network), and it's based on books by George R. R. Martin (an American author), but almost every actor in the show is from the UK (with the honourable exception of Peter Dinklage). We were all set to call this one a draw, but then we remembered that both Sherlock and Doctor Who came straight out of Britain, so we're giving the UK another point. USA 3-5 UK
So there you have it - proof positive that Britain really is better than America. Well done, chaps. Let's all celebrate with a spot of Marmite.
Oh, and in case you're wondering...no, we're not biased.