Below are some of the most popular and well-loved gifts of Christmases past, but looking back, it's rather difficult to understand the appeal of some of them... Just goes to show what great marketing can do for you.
Lava Lamp
You knew you'd reached the peak of maturity when you had one of these in your room! It almost felt like living in your own Nickelodeon TV show!
Nintendo 64
If you want to know JUST how awesome getting one of these for Christmas was,
watch this video. With games like
Super Mario 64 and
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, it's still considered to be one of the greatest consoles of all time.

Baby Born
Because apparently, having a doll which could pee itself on demand was what every little girl in the 90's really wanted. And people think that the 'period Barbie' idea is strange....
Bop It
This frustrating, reflex-testing game was a must-have item at all your childhood sleepovers, before it was thrown across the room in frustration of course. When they came out with the 'Extreme' version, it all got a bit much for us.
Was it an owl, an alien? No one really knew, but everyone wanted one! If you think about it, this was probably a far better test of your parenting skills than Baby Born or Tamagotchi ever was, as you prayed every waking moment that it would finally stop begging for food and Go.To.Sleep!

Mr Frosty
We're pretty sure that everyone still has one of those ice moulds lying in the back of their kitchen cupboard somewhere.
Chemistry Set
What could be a more wholesome and innocent gift for your child than a box of flammable chemicals? Most of these had 12+ ratings on the box, but you ignored that because you were such a rebel! You soon got tired of it once you'd realized that just about the only fun thing you could do with it was to burn magnesium.
Mouse Trap
This game seemed like the best idea ever, but once you'd realized how long it took to set up, the rare chance of being able to set off the chain reaction soon lost its shine. Plus, if you ever lost a single, tiny part, the entire game was left totally redundant.
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