Everyone loves this little, green, lightsaber wielding Jedi master, and now you can have him for your own! Go on a range of intergalactic adventures from the comfort of your own home, with this RC Inflatable Yoda Pump and Play.

Once he is inflated and clipped into the drive unit, take the easy-to-use handset and drive Yoda forwards, backwards and in any direction you like, with the 360 degree turn function. He'll operate indoors and out, so the adventures can be taken with you wherever you go. Best of all, is the fact that he comes with 11 original sound effects from the films, so you can pretend that you really do have the famous Jedi master by your side.

At this point, you're probably wondering how you can get your hands on the this incredible toy. Well, you'll be happy to know that this RC Inflatable Yoda Pump and Play is this weeks deal of the week and it can be yours for just £34.99

So, if you're looking to grab that perfect gift before it's too late, then you'd better snap up this amazing deal while you still can! It'll have both the adults and children fighting over who's turn is it to play on it next..

Click here to check out our other Star Wars inflatables! 
The Force Awakens is finally heeere! Seeing as we're all as pumped as you are, we thought we'd take a break from the Christmas posts today, to bring you one about our awesome Star Wars gifts and gadgets!

R2-D2 Desktop Vacuum 

This little guy may not be able to project holographic messages, but he can keep your desk nice and tidy. This mini version of everyone's favourite droid has a USB-powered vacuum to suck up all the crumbs and dust from your desk, while also being a cute little companion for your work station.
R2-D2 Desktop Vacuum

Millennium Falcon Bottle Opener 

Forget dull, practical presents, that really isn't our style here at Gadget Inspector. Instead, we like to provide you with useful products that also look awesome, which is certainly true of this Millennium Falcon bottle opener! Depicting all the features of Han's famous ship in a sleek 2D design, this keyring is a unique and subtle way to incorporate your love of the franchise into your everyday life. You'll certainly want to be first on the case at parties when someone asks for a bottle opener when you have this on your keys! 
Star Wars Millennium Falcon Bottle Opener

Yoda RC Pump and Play

Ever wanted your very own Jedi Master? Well, this is probably the closest thing you'll get! This awesome inflatable RC depicts the iconic, little green, lightsaber wielding Jedi, and comes with 11 original sounds from the films! Sounds just like the real thing, it does, talk just like Yoda it will. 

yoda rc pump and play

Star Wars 3D Model Kit (Tie Fighter II)

If you're a bit crafty and fancy trying your hand at making your very own models to display in your home, then why not try putting together this incredibly intricate Tie Fighter II kit? With a sleek metallic finish, if you take your time and put it together properly, the end result should be a great addition to your Star Wars memorabilia collection! To see our full selection, click here.
star wars 3D model kit

BB8 RC Pump and Play

We're all ready and willing to love this adorable little droid, even though we haven't even seen the film yet! With the ability to spin 360 degrees and with 14 original sound effects, this little RC companion is almost as good as the real thing! He's super easy to inflate and let down, so you can always put him away neatly once you're done (not that we think you'll want to). 
bb8 inflatable rc
For more gift ideas and Gadget Inspector news and ramblings, be sure to follow us on Twitter!

Now that it's late February and the New Year diet has folded like a house of cards, let's talk treats. We'll eat more or less anything here at Gadget Inspector HQ - when it comes to sugary snacks, we're not at all fussy.

That said, we are particularly partial to a chocolate chip cookie or two, particularly because we've got such a cool place to keep them:

This, friends, is a Darth Vader Cookie Jar, and it's exactly as awesome in the flesh as it looks in that photo. We've actually found ourselves popping to Tesco for another packet of Marylands just so we've got something to put in the Vader jar. It's not healthy, but we don't care - a cookie jar that cool deserves to be used!

Of course, there's more than one perk to keeping your cookies in Darth Vader's helmet. We've found that, since we started using the Vader jar, cases of cookie theft are way down; our precious cookies used to 'go missing' all the time, but who on Earth is brave enough to filch biscuits from the scariest, strangliest Sith Lord of all time? Nobody at the Gadget Inspector office, that's for sure.

We're certain that, by now, you're itching for a Vader jar of your very own. And that's the really good news: you can buy one right now! We've got plenty of Star Wars cookie jars to go around, and we've even knocked £10 off the price - Vader is now just £19.99, giving you a bit of extra money to save for sweet, sweet cookies!
TIE Fighter Model

It won't surprise you in the slightest to learn that we are all massive Star Wars nerds here at Gadget Inspector. Our site has always been well-stocked with Star Wars stuff, but our latest addition to this ever-growing pile might just be one of the coolest yet.

We speak of none other than our awesome Star Wars 3D Model Kits! There are four different models available (R2-D2, the Millennium Falcon, a TIE Fighter and an AT-AT Walker), but regardless of which one you choose, you can be sure of a very rewarding model-making challenge and a cool Star Wars figurine when you're finished!

Now, we're not the most experienced of model-makers here at GI HQ, but we tried our hand at the TIE Fighter and, actually, it wasn't all that difficult. All you have to do is press out the pieces and connect 'em up - you might need a pair of tweezers for the little bits, but otherwise, it's pretty straightforward stuff!

TIE fighter model in hand

Click here to read more about our 3D Star Wars model kits, or click here to find out how you could win the R2-D2 kit!

It's been well over a year since we first found out that a seventh Star Wars film was in the pipeline. And yet we still know relatively little about Episode VII - plot details, character info, and even the proper title are still cloaked in mystery.

Still, we're not completely in the dark. Here's what we do know about the new Star Wars:

  • The movie will be released on December 18, 2015 (that's only 506 days from now!) This means that Episode VII will be the first proper Star Wars film not to be released in May ("December The Force Be With You" just doesn't have the same ring, does it?)

  • JJ Abrams (of Lost and Star Trek fame) will direct the new film. The screenplay was a collaboration between Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan, whose previous writing credits include The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Neither writer had anything to do with the prequel trilogy, which can only be a good sign.

  • The film will be set roughly 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi (which, as it happens, was released just over 30 years ago). This chronological leap makes allowances for the wrinkles of...

  • ...the original cast, most of whom will be reprising their roles from Episodes 4, 5 and 6. Mark Hamill (Luke), Carrie Fisher (Leia), Harrison Ford (Han), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2) have all been confirmed as Episode VII cast members.

  • It's not all about the veterans - the film will feature a decent number of newcomers, too. Among the confirmed cast members are Gwendoline Christie (Brienne from Game of Thrones), John Boyega (Moses from Attack the Block) and Andy Serkis (Gollum from The Lord of the Rings).

And you thought Gollum was CGI.

  • Much of the film will be shot at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire. Other filming locations: Iceland (that's another leaf this film is taking from the Game of Thrones playbook)and Abu Dhabi.

  • Even though Episode VII is still a solid 16 months away, we can already be relatively certain that Episode VIII and Episode IX will follow soon afterwards. Rian Johnson - director of Looper, Brick, and several episodes of Breaking Bad - is reportedly pencilled in to direct the eighth instalment.

  • Finally, are you wondering what role (if any) George Lucas will play in the seventh episode of his beloved sci-fi brainchild? He's a creative consultant, which basically makes him a walking, talking series bible. He tells everyone else the rules of the SW universe (e.g. "the cars don't have wheels, they fly with antigravity") and makes sure that they stick to them.

Even with all these exciting details (more or less) set in stone, the actual movie is still a long way off (consider bookmarking howmanydaysuntilstarwars.com if you're keen to keep track of exactly how long). If you're struggling to get your Star Wars fix in the meantime, check out this cool Star Wars stuff:

All posts tagged 'tea-break'

#MakeASongBritish is currently trending on Twitter, with people from all over the UK putting a wonderfully British spin on all of your favourite hits. We couldn't resist getting involved - here are 8 of the best BritSongs we could come up with:

Beat It
1. Excuse Me, Sir, Could You Please Leave - Michael Jackson
Featuring a polite yet firm guitar solo from Eddie Van Halen.

2. I Will Always Love Queues - Whitney Houston
This could be the national anthem.

3. (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (to Drink Tea!) - Beastie Boys
Here's one we tweeted earlier...

4. All About That Boat Race - Meghan Trainor
There are plenty of songs about football, but not many about rowing. It's about time that changed.

5. A Rather Good Song, Though We Do Say So Ourselves - One Direction
'Best Song Ever'? You'd expect those 1D lads to be a little more modest - aren't they supposed to be British?

6. Do You Love Tea - The Contours
"Because, if not, then frankly I don't think this is going to work out."

M4 tweet
7. Stuck on the M4 with You - Stealers Wheel
This one assumes that you're driving towards Wales. Otherwise, Gloucester would be on the left.

8. Scone de Replay - Rihanna
If you didn't laugh, it's because you're pronouncing 'scone' wrong.

Follow @GadgetInspector on Twitter for more fun...or just grab yourself a Union Jack Mug and make yourself a cup of tea!

Everyone loves a mug. We are constantly drinking hot drinks throughout our days, so why not have a mug you're proud of that shows off your personality. We have recently had three new mugs come into Gadget Inspector that we all love, and we know you will love too! If you are a big fan of Star Wars then this is the mug for you. The I Am Your Father Mug is a must have mug, with one of the most famous lines from the Star Wars films, written upon it. No one in your office will forget what mug is yours when they're making a round of tea.

If you are not a fan of Star Wars, maybe you will be a fan of Batman. We have two new Batman mugs up on our website that we are sure you will love. If you fancy yourself as the villain, then the Batman The Joker Boxed Mug is for you! Or maybe you fancy yourself as the superhero, then the Batman The Dark Knight Boxed Mug is a must have. Enjoy your favourite hot drink in your new novelty mug, at work or at home which ever you prefer. Why not buy two, and have one for home and for work if you love Batman and Star Wars that much? These mugs are always great for gift ideas, especially with Christmas coming up and the cold chilly days rolling in.

It is that time of year again, Movember time! Throughout the month we will see men growing their facial hair, and not shaving. Some of you may be wondering why people do this? Well, sit back, relax and let us explain it to you. This is a month-long event that involves the growing of moustaches, that happens every November to promote awareness of prostate cancer and other male cancers. Movember aims to increase awareness concerning early cancer detection, diagnosis, treatments for cancers, and basically to reduce the number of deaths that can be prevented. 

So if you are particpating in Movember this month, give yourselves a pat on the back! To help and encourage you through the month, we are sharing with you our awesome moustache products! You are going to love them and find them funny too. They would even make for some great gift ideas, if you are struggling for Christmas gift ideas. 

The Mo Bro Mugs are new and hilarious mugs! Who doesn't love a cuppa? The Mo Bro Mugs - I'm a T-at Mug is a must have addition to your November! There is a  great moustache on the side of the mug, and a cheeky slogan written on the bottom of the mug - watch out for that!

If after a long day at work you would rather have a nice cold beer, why not try the Moustache Glass? Get in the Movember spirit whilst slurping on your favourite beverage. So, there you have it, our favourite moustache themed products! Get your mates together and enjoy these awesome products during Movember. Well done guys for raising the awareness for such a good cause. Keep your eyes peeled for your chance to win one of these mugs in our Movember Competition launching soon! 

The majority of our lives, we will spend at work. Our daily cups of tea and coffee keep us going throughout our days at work, and that is why there is nothing more annoying when you have made yourself a cuppa, and you've been so busy by the time you get around to drink it, it is stone cold. With the Hot Cookie - USB Mug Warmer, you no longer have to worry about your hot drinks going cold. Keep this on your desk at work, and always have hot drinks to keep you going throughout the day.

All you have to do is, plug it into your computer's USB port, pop your mug down on top of it, get on with some work and when you return to your cuppa it'll still be hot waititng for you. The mug warmer pad is in the shape of a yummy looking cookie, keeping your mug to a toasty fifty degrees celsius.

So what are you waiting for? This is another perfect winter accessory, and a must have for the office! You'll never have to rush drinking your hot drink again.