The prospect of a hot drink is exciting enough for some people, but if your daily tea break has become a little bit boring, we've got the perfect remedy right here at Gadget Inspector.
And the name of that remedy is novelty mugs. We've got loads of cool mugs available on our website - here are some of our favourites:

Camera Lens Cup
It looks just like an actual camera lens, but it's really a super-cool receptacle for your tea and/or coffee! As a bonus, the lens cap doubles as a great place to put your biscuits.

Darth Vader Mug
The perfect tribute to one of the best movies - and one of the best-known movie quotes - of all time. 'I am your father' - what a great father's day gift this mug would make!
Don't forget your Hot Cookie Mug Warmer - it will keep your drink warmer for longer!
Have you got a starving and poor student at home? Having been students once here at Gadget Inspector, we understand that they're probably poor because they spent all their pennies on beer, food and things that they generally want and don't have the self-restraint to say no to - meaning they become increasingly difficult to purchase for; especially at Christmas time! To help our poor struggling students, we'd like to introduce you to our 'The Student Christmas Stocking' - a santa stocking pre-packed with amazing gadgets to make the life of any student significantly better.
For just £25.96 you get a festive red and white santa sack FILLED with goodies. First we've got the amazing Tea Tool - the ultimate tea-making accessory. This handy and cool gadget will help you make the perfect cuppa, every time - without ever needing a spoon. Aside from being extremely useful and providing great results, it's also really fun to use and play with, which is a defining factor of any gadget.
Next we've got our mighty Boom Ball, the little speaker that packs a punch. This adorable portable speaker looks good enough to eat in a variety of 6 different colours, and once plugged into your music-playing device can turn anything it comes into contact with into a speaker! This is ideal for students so that they can have their music on the go and play DJ at those many inevitable pre drinking sessions!
We've got the Pac Man Bottle Opener - students are gonna get through a lot of bottles during their period of study, but how many actually thought to purchase a bottle opener? Even if they did, it certainly won't be as cool as this Pac Man one.
Last but not least, our personal favourite gadget in this student stocking - the Hot Cookie USB mug warmer! This amazing gadget plugs into your USB port and keeps your mug warm, ensuring that whichever warm beverage you opt for will be kept toasty and warm for you. This is ideal for those late nights essay writing!
And because we're too blummin good to you we've chucked in a Twister Rock Lollipop absolutely free of charge - students love sweets!
This is the perfect Christmas present for the student who has everything, the student who is hard to buy for, the student who needs a little nurturing and the hard-working student. What we're trying to say is, if you know a student - they need this. The end.
Everyone loves a mug. We are constantly drinking hot drinks throughout our days, so why not have a mug you're proud of that shows off your personality. We have recently had three new mugs come into Gadget Inspector that we all love, and we know you will love too! If you are a big fan of Star Wars then this is the mug for you. The I Am Your Father Mug is a must have mug, with one of the most famous lines from the Star Wars films, written upon it. No one in your office will forget what mug is yours when they're making a round of tea.
If you are not a fan of Star Wars, maybe you will be a fan of Batman. We have two new Batman mugs up on our website that we are sure you will love. If you fancy yourself as the villain, then the Batman The Joker Boxed Mug is for you! Or maybe you fancy yourself as the superhero, then the Batman The Dark Knight Boxed Mug is a must have. Enjoy your favourite hot drink in your new novelty mug, at work or at home which ever you prefer. Why not buy two, and have one for home and for work if you love Batman and Star Wars that much? These mugs are always great for gift ideas, especially with Christmas coming up and the cold chilly days rolling in.
It is that time of year again, Movember time! Throughout the month we will see men growing their facial hair, and not shaving. Some of you may be wondering why people do this? Well, sit back, relax and let us explain it to you. This is a month-long event that involves the growing of moustaches, that happens every November to promote awareness of prostate cancer and other male cancers. Movember aims to increase awareness concerning early cancer detection, diagnosis, treatments for cancers, and basically to reduce the number of deaths that can be prevented.
So if you are particpating in Movember this month, give yourselves a pat on the back! To help and encourage you through the month, we are sharing with you our awesome moustache products! You are going to love them and find them funny too. They would even make for some great gift ideas, if you are struggling for Christmas gift ideas.
The Mo Bro Mugs are new and hilarious mugs! Who doesn't love a cuppa? The Mo Bro Mugs - I'm a T-at Mug is a must have addition to your November! There is a great moustache on the side of the mug, and a cheeky slogan written on the bottom of the mug - watch out for that!
If after a long day at work you would rather have a nice cold beer, why not try the Moustache Glass? Get in the Movember spirit whilst slurping on your favourite beverage. So, there you have it, our favourite moustache themed products! Get your mates together and enjoy these awesome products during Movember. Well done guys for raising the awareness for such a good cause. Keep your eyes peeled for your chance to win one of these mugs in our Movember Competition launching soon!

If Twitter's list of trends is to be believed, today is Yorkshire Day! We actually didn't know there was such a thing, but we've had a look, and it turns out that Yorkshire Day has been celebrated on the first of August since 1975. Crikey! We're kind of ashamed of ourselves for not having heard of it sooner.
Now, if there's one rule of thumb here in the Gadget Inspector office, it's this:
Any excuse for a cup of tea.
We understand that Yorkshire folk enjoy a cup of brown joy as much as anyone, so we'd like to raise our novelty mugs in a toast to the White Rose County. All we have to do now is decide which mug to drink from: we're torn between the Egg Cup and this charming Green Fingers mug [no longer available]. Actually, since it's almost lunchtime, we may yet plump for the Take a Break mug - it's perfect for relaxing after a hard day at t'mill.
Dialectic clichés aside, here's to you, Yorkshire - enjoy your big day, and don't forget to make time for a cup of tea!