To celebrate the beginning of this year’s annual tache-growing
month, we thought we would give you a definitive list of our favourite moustache
themed gifts and novelties. All of the following would make cool congratulatory
gestures for those participating in the Movemeber challenge, as well as great ideas for
Christmas gifts and stocking fillers.
Thabto Moustache Door
This moustache themed door mat is perfect for moustache enthusiasts
and hipsters alike. Place it outside your house to show your neighbours how
utterly cool and awesome you are….

Anchorman Wallet and
Moustache Set
If you’re worried that your movember effort is likely to
resemble the facial hair of an awkward teenager who hasn't discovered shaving
yet, don’t worry, we've got you covered! This Anchorman Wallet and Moustache
Set comes with a fake moustache that is as full and luscious as that of Ron
Burgundy himself.

In Disguise Magnet
So you've argued with your house mate. Now every time you go to
make a cup of tea you are confronted with the cheesy group photo adorning the
fridge door, fighting the impulse to scribble all over their stupid, smirking
face! Now, you can let out all of your frustrations without permanently damaging
your photos (or friendships), with these funny In Disguise Magnets. The effects aren't as lasting than those of a marker, which means that the ‘adjustments’ only have to last as
long as your argument does.

Glow in the Dark
Moustache Face Tattoo
They’re moustaches. They glow in the dark. Need we say more?
This temporary tattoo set would make a great stocking filler or secret Santa
gift, and would be a fun addition to festivals and nights out.

I’m a T**t Mug
The perfect gift for that special, irritating person in your
life. With a hidden message that's only visible when the owner decides to take a sip, the impact depends upon
how perceptive your friend is, and how cruel you are…

Krampus is a scary, furry, horned figure who is used as a tool to encourage good behaviour in children.
It is believed that Krampus punishes children who have misbehaved by giving out sticks and coal, whereas Saint Nicholas rewards well-behaved ones with gifts. The Krampus has also been described as carrying around a chain behind him, that he would hurl at children that were in his way. He is believed to be the anti-Santa or his evil twin, though his origins are unknown, but one thing is certain; you certainly wouldn't want to be on this guy's list! Jólakötturinn
Jólakötturinn is known as the Icelandic Yule Cat or Christmas Cat, and unlike regular, domestic cats, he's not very nice. In fact, he will probably eat you! In Iceland, in order to get people to work hard, they used to reward them with new clothes. The lazy family members wouldn't receive anything, so to encourage them to work, they were told the tale of Jólakötturinn. According to the tale, he could tell who the children were by the number of clothes they had, and that he would then proceed to eat the lazy children! If a killer giant cat doesn't motivate you to do chores, I don't know what will.
Frau Perchta
Frau Perchta is a witch who hands out both rewards and punishments from December 25 through January 6. She is more well known for her gruesome punishments to the misbehaving rather than being nice; apparently she will rip out the internal organs of the sinful and replace them with garbage, how lovely.
Belsnickel comes to children sometime before Christmas, wearing old tattered clothing. Belsnickel carries a switch to frighten children, and candy to reward them for good behaviour. The switch is only used to warn children they still have time to be good before Christmas. Then, if the children are polite about the way they've been told, they get rewarded with sweets. So remember to be polite kids!
Yule Lads
They make look as innocent as the seven dwarves, but we can ensure you they're not. These Icelandic trolls stole things and caused trouble around Christmas time, and like the Yule cat it's used to scare children into behaving. There are 13 of these Yule Lads altogether, each with a name and their own distinctive personality.
Victor Frankenstein comes out in UK cinemas today, so we decided to share a few science themed gifts with you all! We have everything you need to treat the science savvy person in your life, from handy desktop gadgets to super cool drinking accessories!
Genius Paperclip Holder
Regardless of whether or not you take any interest in how magnets actually
work, this quirky
papeclip holder is a great little novelty for your desk. It gives the owner free reign to create their own hairstyle for
famous physicist Albert Einstein, comprised solely from an assortment of odd paperclips that may be scattered amongst their stationary. Both fun and functional, this guy will give you a handy storage solution, while also providing a spot of entertainment for your procrastination breaks..
Rechargeable AA Batteries
It can be a pain having to buy a new pack of batteries every time you're gadgets run our of juice, so why not buy a set that you can keep reusing? No complicated charging kits are needed in order to jig these batteries back into action, just plug them into your computer's USB until they've recharged and you're good to go!
Periodic Table Stoneware Mug
Now you may think that the connection between 'Victor Frankenstein' starts and ends with the science theme we've picked out for our gift guide, but you'd be wrong! This
mug is a great way to aid your retention of the table of elements, providing the perfect tool with which to serve your revision coffee. Now, here is where the movie connection comes in. Another way of committing your table of elements to memory, is buy learning the 'Elements Song', something that 'Victor Frankenstein' star Daniel Radcliffe
knows all about.

'Danger- Man Cooking' Apron Set
Did you ever have to learn the scientific hazard symbols in school? Do you remember what this one means? In case you didn't remember, it's a bio-hazard sign, which could be a rather apt analogy for the gent who's not so good in the kitchen.
Brain Money Box
This gift is ideal for the 'brain box' in your life, or that person you know who has 'more money than sense' (sorry, we can never resist bad puns). Not only does this
Brain Money Box make a cool and creepy ornament for your shelf, it also gives you a great place to store all your loose change. Note: No graves were robbed in the making of this money bank...

Chemistry Drinking Accessories
Be honest, the best gift you ever got for Christmas was your chemistry set, wasn't it? Why not reminisce this year while having your Christmas drink, with these awesome Chemistry shot glass sets? Choose from our
colourful test tubes or our
teeny tiny measuring beakers, and see what strange concoctions you can come up with.

To see more of our great selection of gifts,
click here.