Do you like comic books and/or superhero movies? You DO? Then you've come to the right place! Here are some of the cool superhero products that we can provide:
This Superman Wallet is perfect for the pockets of comic book fans!
RRP: £14.99 Our Price: £9.99
Going to a fancy dress party? You need this Captain America Costume!
RRP: £39.99 Our Price: £18.00
And, yes, we've got costumes for kids as well, including this awesome Iron Man Kids Costume!
RRP: £20.00 Our Price: £15.00
Glastonbury is only one week away, and you know what that means - festival season is here! Time once again for the music lovers of Britain to don their wellies, pitch their tents, and sacrifice their children to the Weather Gods in the hope of a rain-free weekend.
Now, some people will tell you that you're crazy for going to a festival, that it's not worth enduring several days in the mud for a distant glimpse of Elbow on the Pyramid Stage. Those people are losers, of course, but they do have a point - festival life is hardly the good life! You'll have a great time at Glastonbury, certainly, but unless you're some sort of Grylls-esque wildling, you'll be sick of camping long before Kasabian bring proceedings to a close on Sunday night.

And so, being of a helpful nature, the Gadget Inspector team have put together a Festival Survival Kit. This nifty little package contains a handful of essential items that will make your festival weekend that little bit easier. The kit costs just £19.99, and here's what you'll get for that price:
- Festival Feet - Wear them over your shoes to keep out the mud!
- Power Bank - This ultra-slim backup battery ensures that your phone will always have an extra bit of juice.
- Can Bong - Fancy one more drink before pegging it to the John Peel Stage for your favourite band? This is the fastest way to empty your can!
- Purple & Green Bong Go - This is a fun-size beer bong that's designed for portability. No festival-goer should be without one!
Whether you're going to Glastonbury, Reading, Latitude, or some other festival, make sure you don't leave without your Gadget Inspector Survival Kit! Those four items would usually cost you £30, but the kit costs just £19.99 - that's a saving of more than ten pounds!

The World Cup is in full swing - as you've probably noticed - and so we thought we'd celebrate with a special offer that's perfect for football fans! Well, English football fans, at least.
Here's the deal: if you buy a beer bong from Gadget Inspector during the World Cup tournament, we'll throw in a pair of Fluffy England Balls for no extra cost!* You can stick them on your window or hang them up in your car - either way, everybody will know which team you support!
Remember, this offer ends as soon as the World Cup has been lifted, so buy a beer bong and grab your balls before it's too late!
*Offer ends Monday July 14. One pair of Fluffy England Balls per order - orders containing multiple beer bongs will only receive one set of fluffy balls. Offer applies to selected beer bongs only; click here to see which ones.
Yesterday, we told you all about our awesome international beer bongs (as well as a special World Cup deal on the English bong). Today, we've added another couple of bongs to our ever-expanding range - check these out:
Ultimate French Beer Bong
Are you supporting France at this year's World Cup? Then you need this brilliant bleu beer bong!
Dual Union Jack Beer Bong
This brightly-coloured British beer bong has two drinking hoses, so you and a friend can chug simultaneously!
Great discounts (until England get knocked out!)
Well, the big day has finally arrived - it's time for football fans everywhere to don their polyester replica shirts and sit down for the 2014 World Cup. Brazil and Croatia will be kicking off the tournament in Sao Paulo tonight, and we'll be enjoying a generous helping of world-class football on every single day between now and mid-July.
And we at Gadget Inspector have decided to make things a little bit more interesting. We're supporting England, obviously, and our England Beer Bong is sure to see quite a bit of use over the weeks to come. We want you to get in on the action as well, and that's why we've decided to run this rather cool offer:
The England bong usually costs £11.99, but we're letting it go for just £6.99 while our boys are still in the running. This offer will end as soon as England are knocked out of the World Cup, so you'd better be quick - you know what England are like when it comes to international tournaments!
If you're not a fan of the England squad, why not beer bong with one of their rivals instead? We've got a German Beer Bong for fans of England's penalty-winning arch-nemeses, and a French Double Beer Bong for supporters of Didier Deschamps' men in bleu.

Whoever you're supporting, enjoy the World Cup and try not to gloat too much when you win your office sweepstake!