Weekend gadgets - because the weekend is never more than five days away!

What's the best thing about working Monday to Friday? Saturday and Sunday, of course! Five days in the office (or whatever environment you work in) make the weekend taste extra-sweet when it finally arrives, and Gadget Inspector is always here to provide you with a bunch of drinking accessories and other wonderful weekend gadgets to help your 48 hours of freedom go with a bang.
The working week doesn't tend to contain much opportunity for debauchery, so Friday and Saturday are pretty much the only nights when a dogged nine-to-fiver can chug a few lugs. Our gadget website is littered with drinking accessories to help you show off your drinking skills, including shot glasses, beer bongs, and lots of other great drinking accessories.
But enough about drinking accessories. Weekends aren't just about alcohol consumption, and we've got plenty of other great weekend gadgets for you to discover. The possibilites are endless - you could get your friends 'round for a spot of gambling on your Mini Black Jack Table or just sit in your Inflatable Football Chair and watch Saturday's big matches play out on the TV. We've got weekend gadgets to suit all tastes!
Gadget Inspector's weekend gadgets are a tonne of fun, so whether you're looking for drinking accessories or something a little less liver-shrivelling, our Party & Drinking section will have something for you.
Is there anyone left in the Western world that hasn't played Angry Birds yet? Since the game's release in December '09, these furious feathered folk have become the smash hit sensation of the iPhone generation. They're inescapable, those Angry Birds - they've been turned into cuddly toys, speakers, toy cars, and even a range of soft drinks.
But the Angry Birds toys that have just crash-landed at Gadget Inspector are easily the best of the bunch. The latest addition to our Air Swimmers range, the remote control Angry Birds toys allow you to steer your own raging red robin through the sky, bringing the million-selling game straight into the real world!
They're great fun to just fly around, but if you really want to get the most out of the Angry Birds toys, here's what to do. Get some makeshift building materials - sofa cushions, planks of wood, whatever you can find - and build a precariously-balanced fortress in your living room. Then, grab your Angry Birds Air Swimmer and set a course straight for the castle you've constructed! You probably won't be able to find any greedy green pigs to terrorise with your antics, but there's still plenty of fun to be had with Gadget Inspector's Angry Birds toys. You can choose from the classic red Angry Birds Air Swimmer or have some futuristic fun with the amazing astro-avian that is the Angry Birds Space Air Swimmer; either one will provide you with hours of enjoyment. So what are you waiting for? Get yours today!
Yet more new gadgets have been added to our range!
Gadget Inspector has always been the best gadget website around, and we're getting better every day! We added a fistful of fabulous new gadgets to the site just this morning, so if you're looking to get your Christmas shopping started promptly, here are a few ideas for you. This gadget website has a present for everyone!
No good gadget website can afford to ignore the ubiquitous presence of the iPhone in modern life, so we at Gadget Inspector do everything we can to top up our range of iPhone Accessories with some new gadgets every so often. The latest addition is Arcadie [no longer available], the iPhone accessory that turns your device into a retro arcade video game machine! Perfect for gadgety gamers who want to take it back to the old school.
Elsewhere on our gadget website, you'll find all kinds of other new gadgets, including a DIY Calculator that you can doodle on, a pair of Oven Gloves [no longer available] that look like baseball mitts, and a set of Emergency Coasters that will protect your table from emergencies of all kinds, as long as those emergencies are related to stains caused by un-coasted driinks. Gadget Inspector really is the best gadget website on the net, and if none of these gadgets take your fancy, check back in a couple of days - we'll have even more new gadgets for you to choose from!
We’ve added yet another fabulous item to our gadget website, and this time it’s the Ultimate Beer Pong Set. It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like – if you want to play beer pong, this handy kit contains pretty much everything you’ll need! That means two balls, two beer pong pitches, and no less than fourteen cups to hold the beer and, if your aim’s any good, those ping-pong balls.
If you’ve never played beer pong before, you’ll probably want a bit of an introduction before you invest in a beer pong set. So here we go: beer pong was invented in 1872, a decade or so before anyone had heard of ping-pong, by an Englishman named Eustace Pong. Pong came up with the game when, in the middle of his evening pint, his glass eye fell out of its socket and landed in his beer. Fortunately, he decided not to use glass eyes in the game; in fact, the earliest beer pong set used pine cones in place of balls. Experts also agree that back in the 19th century, the game would only have been played by members of the royal family and other wealthy aristocrats, as nobody else back then could afford cups. A far cry from the modern game, we’re sure you’ll agree – beer pong is now a fixture of parties the world over, and no matter where you go on a weekend, you’re likely to find a bunch of people digging out the beer pong set and attempting to get their balls into each other’s drinks.
That’s pretty much all you need to know, so grab yourself a beer pong set today and get practicing. Before you know it, you’ll be competing in the beer pong world series, and no we haven’t made that up. Unlike the rest of this blog post.
Our gadget website is packed with Star Wars stuff, as per usual!
The internet has been going nuts for the last few days because of the news that Disney have bought the rights to the Star Wars franchise for somewhere in the region of 4 billion dollars. Many people are up in arms about this Disney Star Wars deal, concerned that the new Star Wars movies will be a little too, well, Disney for their liking. But frankly, the only part of that sentence we're interested in is the bit that says 'new Star Wars movies'.
If you've visited the Gadget Inspector website, you've most likely noticed what big Star Wars geeks we all are, and as far as we're concerned, Disney Star Wars films are still Star Wars films. We even lapped up the much-maligned prequel trilogy, so no matter what Disney do to George Lucas' brainchild, we're probably going to be all over it.
So why not celebrate the promise of these new Disney Star Wars movies with a bunch of brilliant Star Wars stuff from Gadget Inspector? We've got fancy dress costumes, iPhone accessories, mints, and loads of other stuff for the die-hard Star Wars fan to fill their life with. Our favourites include the Inflatable Remote Control R2D2 robot and the Star Wars Off The Wall Alarm Clock [no longer available] that you turn off by throwing it against the wall! There's plenty of Star Wars stuff for the sci-fi fanatic to enjoy, so whether you're pretty pleased or profoundly panicked by this Disney Star Wars business, you'll always have loads of ways to celebrate your favourite saga in style.